All Salim Sanat Sepahan Company sell and buy offers

  • Chromite Sand Sliding Valve Floor Lozenges

    Chromite Sand Chrome Nozzle Patio Sliding Valve System : NAOZZLE Filling Compound (NFC) A) Chromite: 1) - Reduces production costs 2) - Increases the safety factor of the sliding valve system 3) - Spontaneous opening of more than 98% of the duct and No need for oxygen lance 4) - Increased safety factor of the operator 5) - Prevention of drop in melt temperature due to early opening of the valve 6) - No formation of non-metallic impurities and oxides and no entry of oxygen into the melt 7) - Application on the plates of the sliding gate pot and tandish system b) - Instruction and met ...

  • Nozzle تاندیش 75% of the zirconia in sizes 12-12.5-13-13.5-14-14.5-15-15.5-16

    Now common sense industry sepahan supplier of all kinds of nozzle, تاندیش with excellent quality. That in size and quality, ranging from 60 to 95% zirconia to be provided. Nozzle تاندیش on the floor of the تاندیش located, and the number of packages to نعداد casting lines. Also, due to the amount of tonnage of steel castings, the percentage of zirconia and alumina ولبلوک is changed . According to the cross sections of billets, casting, and the conditions of melting can be the diameter of the nozzle تاندیش the direction of outflow of the melt determined . The quality of the zirco ...

  • Nozzle تاندیش قندانی

    Now common sense industry sepahan supplier of all kinds of nozzle, تاندیش as قندانی and استکانی in sizes 11 to 16 in quality, 65%, and -75% to -85% and 95% can be for more information with the unit sale of the company to issue 03136644312 contact please. Nozzle تاندیش the direction of outflow of the melt from تاندیش (cauldron of the middle) to the inside of the mold copper (کریستالیزاتور) machine continuous casting.That based on the time of casting, temperature, and conditions there melting % زیرکونیای(اینزرت) and analysis of the bricks in it are different. Brick and اینزرت zirconia, typ ...

  • Mortar green کرومیتی

    Now common sense industry sepahan manufacturer of mortar, the valve slider(mortar green ) as a powder with high quality .

  • Powder mould casting

    From the supply by the company of common sense, industry, sepahan powder mould casting . Powder casting that name, powder form, etc., powder, oil, curry known to facilitate the passage melted in the midst of casting mold used. Powder casting plays an important role in continuous casting of steel plays one of the factor, important for continuous casting, smooth melt. Powder casting to the level of the top of the melt to be poured manually or automatic Powder casting, the melting point is low can be in تیجه very quick-to-liquid conversion, and the layer of liquid composed of the ...

  • Nozzle تاندیش استکانی(model)

    Now common sense, industry, sepahan, having represented the sale of the company Mpr Refractories India prepared supply all kinds of nozzle, تاندیش with good quality in size, 11-16 for the factory...

  • گارپکFCM10

    گارپک as a layer of insulation behind the range, silica is in contact with the melt can be used to also drain خرسک تاندیش facilitate .

  • The wings overall

    The amount of 6 tons is available

  • Olvin

    The quantity of 8 tons is available. Please call 03132374601 for more information.

  • Inner tube copper

    Now common sense industry sepahan company representative Lithomelt China in the field of supplying copper tubes used in factories in the steel . This company is ready to supply all kinds of copper tubes, based on the map request in the least possible time.

  • Page valve sliding

    Now common sense, industry, sepahan, having the representation of the company MPR Refractories LTD, India, is prepared supply of consumables, systems, valves, slider, 1QC,mature 2QC mature NSC (slide page...

  • Press plate GP2

    Now common sense industry sepahan Of products and items, refractory, available, and reliable supply by the company of common sense, industry, sepahan press plate GP2 l .

  • Nozzle internal cauldron 2QC

    Of items, refractory, reliable supply company, common sense, industry, sepahan nozzle internal cauldron Ladle Nozzle in the model 2QC .

  • The nozzle outer cauldron Collector Nozzle

    The nozzle outer cauldron from the refractory materials used in the system, slide gate, which is now common sense, industry, sepahan preparation, supply it to the plant, steelmaking, casting lines, continuous.

  • Nozzle تاندیش

    Now common sense industry sepahan prepared supply all kinds of nozzle, تاندیش as استکانی and قندانی(potted) in different percentages, in sizes 11 to 16.

  • Page slide gate 1QC

    Now common sense industry sepahan ready to supply all kinds of refractory materials used in the system of the slide gate. Of items can be offered by the company 1-page vents, sliding 1QC size 28 2-nozzle...

  • Nozzle تاندیش

    Of items, refractory, reliable supply by the company A variety of nozzle تاندیش with the percentage زیرکونیایی different in sizes 11 to 16. This nozzle تاندیش in the model, قندانی and...

  • Casting powder

    Casting powder is used in continuous casting to remove slag from oil. In recent years, casting powder has opened its place for the qualitative processing of the melt - this powder causes slag and isolates the surface of the melt and prevents oxygen from entering the melt, and by reducing friction, it practically increases the life of the mold and the level of the production ingot. It gets better quality\r\n\r\nThe amount of casting powder used is low and it is poured on the four sides of the mold during use.\r\nMost of the particles of this powder are below 75 microns.\r\n \r\nSalim Sanat Sepa ...

  • Prussia plaque GP2

    Prussian No. the direction of pumping inert gas (such as nitrogen and argon ) into the cauldron of molten, this product due to the amount of melt and the volume of the cauldron in a different dimension, along with ولبلوک it on the floor ...

  • Nozzle internal cauldron 1QC size 28

    Nozzle internal cauldron 1QC size 28 is available

  • The nozzle outer 1QC size 28

    The nozzle outer cauldron 1QC size 28 is available

  • ولبلوک cauldron 1QC size 28

    ولبلوک cauldron model 1QC size 28 is available

  • Inner tube copper 100*100*801

    Inner tube copper 100*100*801 to the count of 3 pcs is available

  • Sand, NFC

    Sand کرومیتی duct cauldron : before pouring the melt into the cauldron, etc. inside the hole, nozzle, internal to the cell ولبلوک it so that is not a hill on the ولبلوک be created from the sands, cauldron gets filled. When the melt inside the cauldron poured melt into the hole, slide gate, not influence, and in a timely manner, the need to easily open and melt duct refractory slide gate pass and تاندیش (cauldron of the middle), drain. When fused with the sand, the collision makes a layer on the sand surface زینتر gets sand in, it normally stays When the drain and the opening of the system ...

  • Nozzle تاندیش

    Now common sense, industry, sepahan, Maine, a variety of nozzle تاندیش in the model, قندانی and استکانی in sizes 11 to 16 can be, if needed, with the Office of the sale of the company to the number 03136...

  • Tube Lance

    Tube Lance in sizes 6 and 8 and 10 and 13 to a length of 2.4 meters 3متری and 6 yards available

  • Crime آلومینایی

    Mass offerings and their drink offerings with different percentages, آلومینایی the direction of supply to the factories, the steelmaker is available

  • 60% alumina mass

    60% alumina mass Factors affecting the quality of cast masses Mixing by rowing mixer in a dust-free environment The amount of water used Quality of water used (low hardness and chlorine) Water temperature between 25 to 25 ° C Suitable mixing of mass Vibration of masses Drying through thermal graph Preheat Suitable before melting Lack of rapid cooling after melting to prevent shock Salim Sanat Sepahan Trading Company supplies all kinds of alumina casting with the best quality. This Refractory masses are used in steelmaking furnaces, cauldrons and ovens. n Other products that ...

  • 70% alumina mass

    Salim Sanat Sepahan Production Company is a supplier of 55% to 95% alumina refractory masses with good quality for use in ladles and tendons of foundry units. For more information, contact the sales office at 03132374601 and 03132374602 and email Dust Quantity of water used Quality of water used (low hardness and chlorine) Water temperature between 25 to 25 ° C Suitable mixing of mass Vibration of masses Drying during thermal graph Suitable preheater before melting Lack of rapid cooling after melting to prevent shock Salim Sanat Sepahan Trading and Production Compa ...

  • Alumina mass 85%

    Alumina mass 85% Factors in the quality of cast masses Mixing by rowing mixer in a dust-free environment The amount of water used Quality of water used (low hardness and chlorine) Water temperature between 25 to 25 ° C Suitable mixing of mass Vibration of masses Drying through thermal graph Preheat Suitable before melting Lack of rapid cooling after melting to prevent shock Salim Sanat Sepahan Trading Company supplies all kinds of alumina casting with the best quality. This Refractory masses are used in steelmaking furnaces, cauldrons and ovens. n Other products that can be ...

  • Alumina mass 95%

    Factors affecting the quality of cast masses Mixing with a rowing mixer and in a dust-free environment The amount of water used The quality of water used (has Hardness and low chlorine) Water temperature between 25 to 25 ° C Suitable mixing of mass Vibration of masses Drying through heat graph Proper preheat before melting Lack of rapid cooling after thawing to prevent shock Salim Sanat Sepahan Trading Manufacturing Company supplies all kinds of aluminum casting masses with the best quality. These refractory masses cast in the furnace, Steels and ovens are used in steelmaking. ...

  • Alumina mass 55%

    Factors affecting the quality of cast masses Mixing with a rowing mixer and in a dust-free environment The amount of water used The quality of water used (has Hardness and low chlorine) Water temperature between 25 to 25 ° C Suitable mixing of mass Vibration of masses Drying through heat graph Proper preheat before melting Lack of rapid cooling after thawing to prevent shock Salim Sanat Sepahan Trading Manufacturing Company supplies all kinds of aluminum casting masses with the best quality. These refractory masses cast in the furnace, Steels and ovens are used in steelmaking. ...

  • Alumina mass 80%

    Factors affecting the quality of cast masses Mixing with a rowing mixer and in a dust-free environment The amount of water used The quality of water used (has Hardness and low chlorine) Water temperature between 25 to 25 ° C Suitable mixing of mass Vibration of masses Drying through heat graph Proper preheat before melting Lack of rapid cooling after thawing to prevent shock Salim Sanat Sepahan Trading Manufacturing Company supplies all kinds of aluminum casting masses with the best quality. These refractory masses cast in the furnace, Steels and ovens are used in steelmaking. ...

  • System slide gate 1QC

    Now common sense industry sepahan supplier system, slide gate mechanical 1QC mechanical Indian .

  • Insertion سیلیکو mn

    Now common sense, Industry, Company, supplier, insertion سیلیکو, manganese, Indian, with good quality and reasonable price ./

  • Thermocouple sheath

    This company is a supplier of thermocouple sheaths in sizes 600 and 900 mm, 60 and 90 cm with high quality. For more information, contact the company's sales office at 03132374601 and 03132374602 and e-mail info Contact @ Salim Sanat Sepahan Company Platinum / Platinum Radium thermocouple was first introduced in 1885. In this thermocouple, the positive wire contains 90% platinum and 10% radium, and the negative wire contains pure platinum. Later, other calibrations were introduced and standardized by others, and finally three The main type for thermocouples, including p ...

  • Thermocouple sheath size 300 mm

    This company is a supplier of ceramic thermocouple sheaths in sizes 300, 600 and 900 mm. These pods are supplied with the best quality Platinum / Platinum Radium thermocouple was first introduced in 1885. In this thermocouple, the positive wire contains 90% platinum and 10% radium, and the negative wire contains pure platinum. Later, other calibrations were introduced and standardized by others, and finally three The main type for thermocouples, including platinum and its alloy, was introduced: R, S and B. These thermocouples are commonly used to measure temperature in the steel and ...

  • A thermocouple disposable Size 600 mm

    Sheath thermocouple, disposable, Size 300 and 600 and 900 mm from the other items, reliable supply by the company of common sense, industry, sepahan .

  • Ceramic thermocouple sheath size 900 mm

    is one of the items that can be supplied by Salim Sanat Sepahan Company. Types of ceramic thermocouple sheaths and also the sampler can be supplied in excellent quality. Platinum / Platinum Radium thermocouple was first introduced in 1885. In this thermocouple, the positive wire contains 90% platinum and 10% radium, and the negative wire contains pure platinum. Later, other calibrations were introduced and standardized by others, and finally three The main type for thermocouples, including platinum and its alloy, was introduced: R, S and B. These thermocouples are commonly used to mea ...

  • Crime کوتینگ grill

    Of products, reliable supply by the manufacturing company, the, business common sense, industry, sepahan crime کوتینگ induction furnace . This company mass کوتینگ induction in percent, 70 and 90% alumina with high-quality production . Crime کوتینگ the furnace as a layer of permanent coils, induction furnace installation can be also, protection of the coil against the penetration of thaw, and prevents the transfer of pressure, the expansion and contraction of glazing refractory to the furnace coils .

  • Melt Surface Insulation Powder - Isotherm Powder - Radex

    Isotherm Powder In steel mills, ladles and tandis are used to transport the melt from a specific location furnace. Depending on the conditions, the type of body design and refractory spatulas and tandis as well as ambient temperature drop conditions are different. Boil lid due to the use of alumina masses and spending time to repair and install refractory materials has a higher cost than the use of isotherm powder. It is added on the surface of the melt. The main task of this powder is to insulate the surface of the melt to prevent the temperature drop and the melt is oxidized by the atmosphe ...

  • Aluminum refractory casting mass

    Salim Sanat Sepahan Trading Manufacturing Company is a supplier of various types of alumina refractory casting and Tandish plaster Tandish coating mass. For more information, contact the sales office 03132374601. Factors affecting the quality of disposable masses Mixing with a paddle mixer in a dust-free environment The amount of water used Quality of water used (low hardness and chlorine) Water temperature between 25 to 25 ° C Suitable mixing of mass Vibration of masses Drying through thermal graph Suitable preheater before melting Lack of rapid cooling after melting to prevent s ...

  • Refractory mass of furnace, ladle and oven steel

    In the industry, wherever there is high temperature, refractory materials to control heat transfer and prevent damage to equipment in the form of insulation, refractory, abrasion resistance, shaped and amorphous and… existence Has one. Salim Sanat Sepahan Company is a supplier of refractory masses used in the steel and foundry industries. Factors affecting the quality of cast masses Rowing mixer and in a dust-free environment Quantity of water used Quality of water used (low hardness and chlorine) Water temperature between 25 to 25 ° C Mixing the mass properly Suitable vibration of ma ...

  • Molten Coating Powder

    In steel mills, ladles and tandis are used to transport the melt from the furnace to a certain position. In this distance, some melting is faced with a drop in temperature, which varies depending on the environmental conditions, the type of body design and the refractory of the pot and tandish. In this case, the highest temperature drop occurs from the molten surface, which is controlled by powder isotherm. For consultation in the field of refractory, call 03132374601 Salim Sanat Sepahan sales unit.

  • 30 cm thermocouple sheath

    A number of disposable thermocouple sheaths (thermocouples, temperature) for steelmaking with cardboard length 30 cm (300 mm) type R with outer diameter 35 mm and inner diameter 25 mm at a reasonable price and agreed to For sale. The number of these pods is about 5000 and its lancer handle and conductor are also available. Salim Sanat Sepahan Trading Production Company announces its readiness to supply consumables for Iran's steel smelting and foundry industries. In addition, other products that can be supplied by this company are as follows: Kandani and Estakani tandish nozzles Green powde ...

  • Ferromanganese

    Salim Sanat Sepahan Company is a supplier of high carbon and medium carbon ferromanganese. For more information, please contact the sales office of Salim Sanat Sepahan at 03132374601.

  • Machine torch and cutting nozzle of Gega design

    All kinds of machine torches and Gega cutting nozzles in different codes - all kinds of hydrochaniers and rotors in three designs and two sizes, 1 inch and 3/4 inch

  • Afshanak

    Supplier and sale of Chinese and Indian design sprinklers and stainless steel hydraulic collectors for continuous casting lines

  • Iranian and foreign lance handle

    Supplier and sales of all types of Iranian and foreign lens handles from 6 mm to 35 mm

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