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  • Server room temperature monitoring system

    Controlling and monitoring the temperature of the server room is one of the most important factors of standardization and bms of the server room. There are various systems for this issue in Iran and the world, some of which are rack mount and some are wall mount. Also, many of these systems have various sensors, including temperature humidity Power outage water leakage Fire smoke and unauthorized entry are monitored, of course, not all the sensors that are connected to this system, in addition to this issue, these systems warn in different ways, including Local siren flasher SMS phone ring email The pop-up will reach their users on the desktop Besides this, their monitoring methods can Under Windows Under the web And under the comprehensive management web In the comprehensive management web model, an administrator can access all the information and events of the server rooms under his command all over the world You can see the information and functionality of the server room sensors here Read here the features of temperature sensors used in server room monitoring Pishran Sanat Vira is one of the few companies that can provide monitoring services in data centers and data centers or small server rooms using industrial hardware. Defects that should be corrected in the standardization of the server room Classification of server room warning and notification systems Errors that can be detected by the smart server room

  • Server room control and monitoring system

    Control and monitoring systems for temperature, humidity and environmental factors Server rooms are generally not deterrent systems, although Pishran Sanat Vira has control and deterrent technology in this regard. The use of these systems is necessarily due to the fact that the manager or server room keeper is able to know the nature and extent of the incident in different ways at the moment of the incident so that he can react appropriately to that incident.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nServer room alarm systems because they are able to detect factors such as temperature increase, humidity increase, presence of water, smoke and fire, cooling system fuse cutting, split system compressor burning, unauthorized access control, etc. warn in different ways, so the server room manager and maintainer will not have to worry about the condition and stability of the server room when they are not present at their organizational location.\r\n\r\nAlso, in some systems for controlling and monitoring the environmental conditions of the server room, highly advanced technologies are used to control the system automatically and make decisions in critical situations, such as the one implemented in Pishran Sanat Vira Company [automatic control system for coolers] that can manage the operation takes charge of the coolers and at specific times for periodic operation in order to reduce the depreciation of refrigeration devices, move them with reserve systems. Also, this mechanism is able to intelligently replace the cooler in case of a problem for a cooler until the problem is solved. Activate in the circuit\r\n\r\nAlso, this system is able to create the minimum electricity consumption and depreciation with the minimum cooling load that it puts on the coolers. Also, if the temperature increases in the hot seasons of the year, the system is able to automatically increase the amount of condensers or sprinklers in the network and achieve high efficiency. creates\r\n\r\nIn another part, the control and automation systems of the server room, which are designed with modern knowledge, are able to use an inhibitory mechanism in the event of a fire, in addition to creating an alarm, which is to cut off the electricity from the entrance to the server room. The source of the fire, which is electricity, should be cut off upon arrival and the acceleration of the fire should be prevented along with the fire extinguishing system, and it should be considered as an aid to the fire extinguishing system.\r\n\r\nIn examples, you can use advanced touchscreen displays in server room monitoring systems. %25D9%2584%25D8%25A7%25D8%25AA/540-src-color-hmi) used for guard rooms or night guards so that all alarms can be heard and commented on and they have a special control in these matters.\r\n\r\nSupported sensors\r\n1) Temperature\r\n2) Humidity\r\n3) Grid electricity\r\n4) UPS power\r\n5) Smoke\r\n6) Fire\r\n7) Water leakage\r\n8) The door of the server room remains open\r\n9) Unauthorized entry to the server room\r\n10) hitting the rack or opening the rack door\r\n11) Fire inside the rack or electrical panels\r\n12) Three-phase electricity\r\n13) Refrigeration system electricity

  • server room bms device

    SRC2.2 It is a system based on industrial control and automation hardware in electricity, which has the ability to record and monitor events in the server room. These events can be an increase in the temperature in the server room, or the appearance of smoke inside the room, or water leakage, or any other factor that is important to the employer. It is important to be, but how to do this warning or registration is very important The first point about such a device is that the required features and sensors should be selected with the advice of a knowledgeable and informed person with such issues and their number should be checked with them. The second point is that the above device is manufactured by which company and with how much control history The third point is whether the device is completely manufactured in the mentioned company or whether it is delivered to that company as OEM or CKD Regarding these cases, we must have the necessary sensitivity so that we do not suffer from technical defects or unavoidable cases in the future, but the most important factor in choosing it is whether it is possible to use a name that is built on the device and provided by a company. Trust the SCR2.2 device or not It is necessary to know that the events inside the server room do not always happen, but the server rooms are always at risk, which means that we are not supposed to receive an alarm every day from the SRC2.2 device regarding the server room, but there is a possibility of receiving it every day, so this The system must be able to perform its daily activities for consecutive days and weeks without any interruption in its performance. This task is not done by every system and it can be said that SRC2.2 is one of the few devices that can do this. manages The reason for this is that the hardware and software made for this system are unfortunately not made with the knowledge and technical knowledge of control systems and problems such as 1- False warning (meaning sending a warning to the user without an error) 2-Late warning (meaning sending a warning with a long interval after the error occurs) 3- Failure to send a warning (meaning not sending a warning message even when the warning occurs). Any of the above cases, even if it happens once, creates grounds for mistrust of the intelligent control device of the server room, and the user is right because he cannot distinguish whether the next received warning is a real warning or a device error. To avoid these cases, we can trust a manufacturer who knows the above and has included them in their system. To read more about src2.2, we invite you to read this link. Click the link to see the photo and get the operating records Click the link to see the list of equipped organizations, offices and centers

  • Intelligent monitoring or intelligentization of BMS server room

    We all know that what forces an organization or company to use such devices and equipment is the occurrence of unpredictable events in the server room, which can create a crisis for the IT manager, for example, the failure of the cooling system or the burning of the cooling system. The server room will increase the temperature to more than 40 degrees Celsius, which will cause the burning of the servers or storages, or in the best conditions, the network will be shut down, so the manager will install an alarm system and monitor the temperature, humidity and environmental factors. It means that in the event of an accident, he will be informed about it and have the opportunity to react in time to prevent future incidents. So far, the issue is completely consistent with logic, but if the server room alarm system, due to very technical reasons, at the time of the accident It cannot react in time, or it does not warn, or it gives false warnings in the absence of an accident. Is it still possible to use such a system at any cost, of course not.\r\n\r\nMaybe this question will arise for the dear reader that why the intelligent system of the server room should not issue timely warnings and why it gives false warnings, the answer to this question can be read in the following 2 lines.\r\n\r\n1) The manufacturer, knowing that these events happen in real conditions for his hardware, produces it with low quality in order to create more profit and a more competitive price.\r\n\r\n2) Or, unfortunately, the manufacturer does not have the academic or experimental knowledge to build such a system and is a company that is involved in all IT and network business affairs, for this reason it uses Chinese and other companies to build a system with its own brand.\r\n\r\nIn both cases, the seller will cause problems and even troubles after buying an unreliable product. \r\n\r\nIn the src2.2 server room monitoring system, you can experience the following facilities with the highest degree of stability\r\nIn the design of control systems, in addition to sending warnings in case of errors and displaying information online and offline and recording information, another function is added to the system so that when needed, along with monitoring various errors, there is the ability to define hardware reactions.\r\n\r\nIn these systems, there will be a logical definition in the output according to each error, so that the problems can be solved as much as possible without the presence of human resources. These errors can be things like the following, in other words, in control systems, in addition to the following which is given to the user in monitoring and warning, the control relays are also connected to the outputs\r\n\r\nThe capabilities of the device are summarized as follows\r\n\r\n1) Display temperature information online and offline\r\n\r\n2) Display humidity information offline and online\r\n\r\n3) Record temperature and humidity with adjustable time interval\r\n\r\n4) Register the number of logins and lockouts to the system along with the day and time\r\n\r\n5) Definition of access level\r\n\r\n6) Receiving fable alarms and errors independently of temperature and relative humidity data

  • Server room control and monitoring

    A server room control and monitoring system or server room intelligent system \r\n1-Sensors\r\n2- Transmitters\r\n3-Controllers \r\n4-Displays\r\n5- They are the warners\r\n\r\nEach of the above causes sensitivities in choosing the desired factor, but the most important feature of a server room control and monitoring system is its stability and lack of noise. \r\n\r\nIf the system is expensive or cheap\r\nIf a system has high or low accuracy in measurement \r\nIf a system is easy or difficult to use in terms of software \r\n\r\nNone of the above cases is the reason that the system is stable and receives less damage and effects compared to noise, and unfortunately the user cannot test this case with any method or trick. \r\n\r\nA system that does not have good stability causes successive failures \r\nA system that does not have good stability causes false alarms to be sent \r\nA system that does not have good stability will cause late hatgam alerts to be sent \r\n\r\nThe above are some of the problems of the systems that are unfortunately designed and sold in this country and there is no supervision on their work. If we want to avoid the above problems when buying a system, we should choose ourselves with open eyes and a lot of research. to make \r\n\r\nPishran Sanat Vira is the first company with charter related to bms and industrial automation and intelligentization in Iran, which operates only in the field of server room and its intelligentization.\r\n\r\nLink to more information about the product \r\ to projects and company resumes\r\ of some projects \r\ the product catalog \r\

  • Intelligent control of the server room

    [Intelligent Systems] %2587%25D9%2588%25D8%25B4%25D9%2585%25D9%2586%25D8%25AF) have gradually entered our lives and make work easier for us, one of the cases where the existence of intelligent systems is very necessary It is in the field of managing server rooms and protecting them \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nProtecting a network against factors such as temperature, humidity, smoke, fire, or sudden power outages is one of the mandatory things in server room maintenance. or it informs the network administrators and the server room for a timely response. The shorter the news notification period and the type of news received has a higher degree of credibility, the more secure the server room is guaranteed.\r\n\r\nIn this regard, Pishran Sanat Vira Company has designed special systems that can be used for any server room or data center with any kind of budget.\r\n\r\nOf course, the invoices that can be requested by the relevant manager in the server room can be changed (increased and decreased) according to each scenario. This company can be informed about the good and bad of each of these systems\r\n\r\nThe most important factor in choosing a server room monitoring or control system is its reliability, in other words, any company with any degree of experience and academic literacy cannot be a reliable support for it to take care of our server room warning system if the data center monitoring system And if we use the server room of any brand or hardware, or if we don\'t make a smart choice, then the system will decide for us in a critical situation, and the consequences and results of the system\'s improper operation, which can be false timely and untimely warnings, or failure to send warnings on time Let the crisis cause a serious challenge in the IT system under your command\r\n\r\nIn order to prevent such accidents from happening, the selection of a suitable hardware for the monitoring system by scientists and electrical and electronic experts has been determined by the IEEE committee. Read this information and further explanations about the above on our website.\r\n\r\n\r\nLink to more information about the product \r\ to projects and company resumes\r\ of some projects \r\ the product catalog \r\

  • Intelligent monitoring or intelligentization of bms server

    In the intelligent structure of the server room \r\nThere are companies that have many sensors and provide a lot of coverage in the field of environmental factors\r\nThere are companies that have a long history in sales and provide server and rack accessories and passive or active tools\r\nThere are companies that have an electronic structure and comment on any project\r\nThere are companies that have two or three product models that can be sold with different ranges \r\nAnd there are companies that have a very long resume that shows their high sales\r\n\r\nBut \r\nHow many percent of these companies have charters related to the subject of work, i.e. control of precision instruments and smart control boards?\r\nHow many percent of these companies can claim that any sensor made in the future has the ability to connect to their control hardware? \r\nHow many percent can claim that the only specialized work they do is server room monitoring?\r\nHow many percent of these companies are approved by important ministries in their field of work that must be approved by different authorities?\r\n How many percent can claim that no type of fault or false error can be seen in their product?\r\n\r\nAnd finally, how many percent can prove that they provide the closest system according to the tia942 protocol, and if needed, they provide 24-hour service in Tehran and 72-hour service in the city.\r\n\r\n\r\nPlease compare and then contact us \r\nLink to more information about the product \r\ to projects and company resumes\r\ of some projects \r\ the product catalog \r\

  • Server Room Control and Monitoring System

    ساختار چنین سیستمی از المانهای کنترل و ابزار دقیق ساخته شده و اندازه گیری پارامتر ها همگی فیزیکی می باشند به همین دلیل انتخاب یک سیستم با توانایی های معقول و قابل اعتماد که بتواند تمامی پارامتر های موجود در اتاق سرور را مانیتور نماید بسیار حایز اهمیت است در چنین شرایطی انتخاب شرکت سازنده تجهیزات و حتی اساس نامه شرکت بیش از پیش اهمیت پیدا کرده چرا که با توجه به توسعه سیستمهای سروری در ایران بسیاری از شرکتها با دیدن فضای موجود بدون داشتن تخصص کافی در این زمینه وارد این میدان شده و به دلیل اطلاعات کم مدیران در زمینه سیستمهای اتوماسیون صنعتی متاسفانه انتخاب درستی برای پیمانکار صورت نگرفته و آخرالعمر تجهیزی در اتاق سرور نصب گردیده که اصلا و ابدا کارایی لازم را نداشته و نمی توان به آن اعتماد کرد با توجه به این موضوع شرکت پیشران صتعت ویرا ضمن داشتن تخصص در این زمینه و تغییرات و بازبینی های بسیار زیادی که در سیستم کنترل اتاق سرور ایجاد نموده به یک سیستم قابل اعتماد مبتنی بر سخت افزار plc دست یافته که از هر حیث قابلیت مقایسه با آنچه اصطلاحا مدل ایده ال اتاق سرور است را دارا می باشد در ادامه مشخصات و قابلیتهای این سیستم از نظرتان می گذرد سیستم مانیتورینگ اتاق سرور SRC2.2 قادر است تا 1)به محض افزایش دما یا رطوبت اعلام خطر را به صورت اس ام اس یا میس کال به مدیر یا مسئولین اعلام نماید. 2)به محض افزایش دما از محدوده خطر فرایند ویژه ای را برای کنترل دما رقم بزند یا سرور را برای جلوگیری از سوختن خاموش کند. 3)به محض تجاوز دما از محدوده مجاز آژیر و یا چراغهای خطر را روشن نماید. 4)قابلیت دریافت دستور از مدیر در هر شرایطی را توسط موبایل داشته باشد. 5)دما و رطوبت فعلی را نمایش دهد. 6)قابلیت اتصال به همه سنسورهای موجود آتش ، دود ،نشت آب،ورود غیر مجاز ، ضربه ، قطع برق شبکه ، قطع یو پی اس، نوسان برق ورودی ، کاهش و یا افزایش سطح ولتاژ مجاز برق ، قطع یک یا دو فاز در سیستمهای سه فاز ، قطع برق خود دستگاه مانیتورینگ اتاق سرور را دارد. 7)قابلیت رصد کردن دمای داخل رک سرورها و وضعیت شرایط محیطی اتاق سرور با موبایل را دارد. 8)تمامی آلارمها را مانند افزایش دما و رطوبت - وجود دود -وجود و نشت آب- خاموش شدن کولر ها - بروز مشکل در کمپرسور یا کندانسور کولرها از قبیل نشت گاز و عدم خنک گنندگی ، ورود غیر مجاز ، نوسان و کاهش و افزایش شدید برق را روی موبایل اطلاع می دهد. 9)قابلیت کنترل اتوماتیک کولرها یا اتوماسیون تهویه اتاق سرور را دارد. 10)در صورت قطع برق به کاربران به صورت اس ام اس پیغام می دهد. 11)در صورت دو فاز شدن شبکه پیغام می دهد. 12)مدیریت سیستم خنک کننده را برای کاهش بار و کاهش استهلاک بصورت هوشمند بعهده می گیرد. 13)قابلیت ثبت اطلاعات دما و رطوبت را تا 10 سال دارد و منحنی تغییرات دما و رطوبت را ترسیم می کند. 14)می توان با پورت ethernet به آن متصل شد و به آن فرمان داد و سیستم را کنترل نمود. 15)قابلیت جابه جایی کولر ها در مدت زمان مشخص برای استهلاک مساوی کولر ها در آن پیش بینی شده است . 16)قابلیت روشن کردن کولر های رزرو در صورت خرابی هر کدام از کولر های موجود در آن پیش بینی شده است. 17)قابلیت روشن کردن کولرها در صورت قطع برق و وصل مجدد برق را خواهد داشت . 18)قابلیت زمان کارکرد متعارف با توجه به توان هر کولر را دارد تا هزینه های سرویس و نگهداری کاهش یابد. 19)از وجود بیشترین سنسورهای حفاظتی مختلف در محیط اتاق بهره میبرد تا درجه امنیت سیستم افزایش یابد. 20)قابلیت تعریف آلارم برای هر سنسور بطور مجزا در آن پیش بینی شده است. 21)قابلیت دریافت دمای سنسورهای مختلف روی موبایل جزو ویژگیهای آن است. 22)قابلیت ارسال هشدار به نگهبانی به صورت صوتی و تصویری با یک نمایشگر مجزا را دارد. 23)آلارم صوتی و نوری در صورت بروز هر نوع خطا در اتاق سرور. 24)اطلاع از زمان قطع برق و وصل مجدد برق. 25)قابلیت کنترل و مانیتورینگ کلیه پارامترهای سنسورهای آنالوگ را دارد. 26)دستی و اتوماتیک کردن کولر ها در آن پیش بینی گردیده که در زمانهای تعمیر و نگهداری بسادگی بدون نیاز به هیچ تغییراتی بتوان به این موضوع رسید. 27)نمایش وضعیت سیستم بصورت کامل روی پنل صنعتی(hmi) 28 )نمایش دما ها و رطوبتها روی پنل صنعتی (hmi) 29)قابلیت گرفتن وضعیت فعلی هشدار ها با موبایل 30)قابلیت گرفتن دما و رطوبت فعلی با موبایل 31)قابلیت ,,WEB BASE-WIN BASE , IP BASE 32)قابلیت سیستم کنترلر موازی 33)قابلیت اضافه کردن تعداد مانیتورهای سخت افزاری 34)قابلیت حذف مانیتورهای سخت افزاری 35)قابلیت مدیریت بحران در شرایط اضطرار 37)سیستم کات اوت برق شبکه در صورت بروز آتش سوزی 38)کنترل دستی و اتوماتیک سیستم اسپیلیت و یا کولینگ 39)منطبق بر پروتکل tia942 میباشد. 40)ارتباطات داخلی به صورت مودباس امن طراحی شده است. 41)سخت افزار مطمین و قابل اعتماد پی ال سی دارد. 42)سیستم چکاب تجهیزات الکترونیک خودکار دارد. 43)کنترل سیستم از چند نقطه بطور همزمان در شبکه سازمانی امکان پذیر است. 44)سیستم جامع مدیریتی دارد که امکان مانیتور کردن تمامی اتاق سرورهای تحت پوشش یک سازمان را در یک اتاق کنترل رصد و مانیتور می نماید. 45)قابلیت اتصال صفحه مانیتورینگ تاچ اسکرین برای نگهبانی و واحدهای نظارتی دارد. 46)سخت افزار قابل اعتماد صنعتی دارد. 47)سخت افزار مازولار بوده و در صورت نیاز به خدمات تعمیری در کمترین زمان ممکن قابل انجام است. 48)پروتکل ارتباطی با کامپیوتر tcp/ip و پرو تکل ارتباط با سنسورهای دما مودباس میباشد. 49)دارای مکانیزم سمکرون کردن با کامپیوتر است. 50)هیچ گونه خطای نادرست و یا غیر واقعی برای اتاق سرورصادر نمیکند. 51)در دمای بالا قابلیت کارکرد در اتاق سرور را دارد. 52)گزارش گیر ی از آن در 2 تقویم شمسی و میلادی امکان پذیر است. 53)گزارش دما و رطوبت اتاق سرور روی فرمت فابل اکسل و نمودار خروجی در بازه زمانی تعریف شده درست میکند. 54)گزارش آلارمها و هشدارهای مستقل از دما و رطوبت به کاربر می دهد. 55)گزارش مستقلی از تعداد دفعات لاگین شدن به سیستم می دهد. 56)نمودار و گراف خروجی قابلیت تعریف اندازه و اسکیل را دارد. 57)برای تک تک سنسورها قابلیت تعریف محدوده مجاز دارد. 58)برای تک تک سنسورها قابلیت تعریف نوع هشدار (آژیر- اس ام اس -ایمیل ) دارد. این امکانات با سخت افزار بسیار مطمین و امن صنعتی ساخته شده است به همین دلیل این شرکت جزو وندور لیست شرکتهای نفت و گاز و صنابع نظامی است برای دریافت اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد محصول فوق کافی است به وبسایت این شرکت سر بزنید

  • Selling dropper 6 core 3 core fiber optic cable (Nira)

    Fater Rasanur company is the main and central agent for the production of all kinds of cables, accessories and accessories based on optical fiber under the Nira brand. \r\nDrop cables form a very wide range. \r\nFiber optic cable installation methods\r\nFTTH drop cables, as mentioned earlier, are located at the joint end to connect the termination of the distribution cable to the joint location. They are typically small-diameter, low-fiber-count cables with limited span length without support that can be installed aerially, ducted, or buried, with colored fiber optic strands for easy identification.\r\n• The possibility of direct installation of the connector\r\n• It has a favorable bending radius and high tensile force\r\n• LSZH coated to prevent flame spread and toxic gas generation after ignition\r\n• It has a steel holder and reinforcement\r\n• light weight\r\n• Easy and quick installation

  • Sale of optical fiber OTO (Nira)

    This small box is used to connect drop cable and ONU to FTTX network through optical fiber port. This box supports fusion, distribution, mechanical connection and wall mounting. This optical fiber box can install 2 SC adapters for Pigtel and Fusion.\r\n Nira optical fiber boxes (OTO) are designed and produced in 2COR, 4COR sizes.\r\nWithout braids, it is suitable for pigtail makeup.\r\nMade of new raw materials (ABS)\r\nMatch the color of the door\r\nVery beautiful and beautiful in the view of the unit

  • Selling optical fiber adapter (Nira)

    Fater Rasanur company is the main and central representative of the production of all kinds of accessories and peripheral equipments of optical fiber passive infrastructure (Tida factory of Niayesh Communications) (Nira brand name)\r\nFiber optic adapter, also known as coupler; It is considered one of the most vital equipments in optical fiber networks. In addition to increasing the signal strength, this product has very wide applications in data centers.\r\n\r\nFiber optic adapter feature\r\nThe most important feature of the optical fiber adapter is to communicate simultaneously between several different devices by connecting cables to each other. In addition to connecting different devices to each other, these adapters also increase network signal strength depending on their quality. The quality of these types of adapters has a direct relationship with the company providing them.\r\nSuitable for single-mode cable\r\n-\r\nIn types of FC, SC and LC connectors with UPC cover\r\n-\r\nIt has two types, Simplex and Duplex\r\n-\r\nAbility to customize\r\npassive fiber optic equipment, fiber optic equipment, fiber optic adapter, fiber adapter, fiber optic adapter,

  • 2M duplex optical fiber patch cord (Nira)

    Fater Rasanoor company is the main and central representative of all kinds of optic cord fiber patches under the brand name (Nira) from the Tida factory of Niayesh Communications.\r\nThey are available in two types, Simplex and Duplex, and with single mode and multimode fiber. Fiber optic patch cords, which are passive fiber optic equipment, have different FC, LC and SC connectors depending on the type of adapter at the cable end and the type of input connector. Optical fiber patch cords are produced in 1, 2 and 5 meters.\r\nOptical fiber patch cord Fiber Optic Patch Cord\r\nFiber patch cord (fiber patch cord or fiber jumper) is a cable whose ends on both sides end with fiber optic connectors. The existence of these connectors provides the possibility of connecting and using the optical fiber patch cord quickly. Fiber patch cord with reliability, excellent compatibility and high security is used in different points of the network such as server room or data centers in order to connect different equipment to each other.

  • 5M duplex optical fiber patch cord (Nira)

    Fater Rasanoor company is the main and central representative of all kinds of optic cord fiber patches under the brand name (Nira) from the Tida factory of Niayesh Communications.\r\nThey are available in two types, Simplex and Duplex, and with single mode and multimode fiber. Fiber optic patch cords, which are passive fiber optic equipment, have different FC, LC and SC connectors depending on the type of adapter at the cable end and the type of input connector. Optical fiber patch cords are produced in 1, 2 and 5 meters.\r\nOptical fiber patch cord Fiber Optic Patch Cord\r\nFiber patch cord (fiber patch cord or fiber jumper) is a cable whose ends on both sides end with fiber optic connectors. The existence of these connectors provides the possibility of connecting and using the optical fiber patch cord quickly. Fiber patch cord with reliability, excellent compatibility and high security is used in different points of the network such as server room or data centers in order to connect different equipment to each other.

  • Nira fiber optic pigtail SC SM LSZH 0.9mm 1.5m

    Selling pigtail 1.5M SC SM optical fiber (Nira)\r\nFater Rasanur company is the main and central representative of all types of fiber optic pigtails under the Nira brand from Tida Niayesh Communications Factory.\r\nFiber optic pigtails are used to terminate fiber optic cables through fusion (fiber optic welding) or mechanical splicing. Fiber optic pigtails have a connector on one end, and the other end is used to fuse single-mode and multi-mode cables inside the box and patch panel. Fater fiber optic pigtails are produced in single mode and have FC, LC, SC connectors and in different colors.\r\nLow transmission losses and high return rate\r\nAbility to work at high temperature\r\nWith G657A1 standard\r\nDiameter 900 microns\r\nAbility to customize

  • 3M simplex optical fiber patch cord (Nira)

    Fater Rasanoor company is the main and central representative of all kinds of optic cord fiber patches under the brand name (Nira) from the Tida factory of Niayesh Communications.\r\nThey are available in two types, Simplex and Duplex, and with single mode and multimode fiber. Fiber optic patch cords, which are passive fiber optic equipment, have different FC, LC and SC connectors depending on the type of adapter at the cable end and the type of input connector. Optical fiber patch cords are produced in 1, 2 and 5 meters.\r\nOptical fiber patch cord Fiber Optic Patch Cord\r\nFiber patch cord (fiber patch cord or fiber jumper) is a cable whose ends on both sides end with fiber optic connectors. The existence of these connectors provides the possibility of connecting and using the optical fiber patch cord quickly. Fiber patch cord with reliability, excellent compatibility and high security is used in different points of the network such as server room or data centers in order to connect different equipment to each other.

  • Selling drop 12k 3 core optical fiber cable (Nira)

    Fater Rasanur company is the main and central agent for the production of all kinds of cables, accessories and accessories based on optical fiber under the Nira brand. Drop cables form a very wide range. Fiber optic cable installation methods FTTH drop cables, as mentioned earlier, are located at the joint end to connect the termination of the distribution cable to the joint location. They are typically small-diameter, low-fiber-count cables with limited span length without support that can be installed aerially, ducted, or buried, with colored fiber optic strands for easy identification. • The possibility of direct installation of the connector • It has a favorable bending radius and high tensile force • LSZH coated to prevent flame spread and toxic gas generation after ignition • It has a steel holder and reinforcement • light weight • Easy and quick installation

  • Fiber optic patch cord (Nira)

    Fater Rasanoor company is the main and central representative of the production of all kinds of cables, accessories and accessories based on optical fiber under the Nira brand. Patch cords are available in two types, Simplex and Duplex, and with single-mode and multi-mode fiber. Fiber optic patch cords, which are passive fiber optic equipment, have different FC, LC and SC connectors depending on the type of adapter at the cable end and the type of input connector. Optical fiber patch cords are produced in 1, 2 and 5 meter lengths. Based on the optical fiber connector.\r\nThere are different fiber optic connectors like LC, SC, ST, MTP. The connectors at both ends of the cable may be the same (for example, LC to LC patch cord, SC to SC patch cord, etc.) or different (for example, LC to SC patch cord, etc.).\r\n•\r\nFiber optic cable with G.657 A1/A2 standard\r\n•\r\nIt has an optical fiber with a diameter of 900 microns\r\n•\r\nIn Simplex and Duplex types\r\n•\r\nPolished UPC connector\r\n•\r\nLSZH and PVC coated\r\n•\r\nAbility to customize

  • Selling optical fiber fat box (Nira)

    Fater Rasanur company is the main and central agent for the production of all kinds of cables, accessories and accessories based on the Nira brand optical fiber. Today, various types of optical fiber distribution boxes (OTO, ODF, FAT, etc.) are available with different capacities and features. each of which is suitable for use in different projects. The name and model number of these boxes are different with the design and ideas of different manufacturers.\r\n\r\nBut if we want to categorize them in general; The most common types of optical fiber boxes based on the number of ports are:\r\n\r\nBox 2 fiber optic ports\r\nBox 4 fiber optic ports\r\nBox with 8 fiber optic ports\r\nBox with 12 fiber optic ports\r\nBox with 24 fiber optic ports\r\nBox 48 fiber optic ports\r\nFiber optic box features\r\nAccording to the model and capacity, the optical fiber box includes different parts such as the shell, different surfaces for placing the splitter and managing cables and connections, the cable holding unit, the location of the adapter and the input and output of the optical fiber cable, etc.\r\n\r\nIn addition, one of the other features of the fiber optic box that you should pay attention to is indoor or outdoor use of the fiber box. Due to the high impact of external factors in outdoor applications, you should be more careful to prevent water and dust from penetrating inside the box.

  • Selling the firewall of Fortnite FG 600F

    The FortiGate 600F Series firewall provides an application-centric, scalable, and secure SDWAN solution with next-generation firewall (NGFW) capabilities for medium to large enterprises at the campus or branch level.\r\n\r\nFor advice and to get the best daily prices of all types of Fortigate firewalls, contact the experts of Afratech Houshmand company.\r\nAlso, contact us to buy a FortiGate 600F license online and offline with the guarantee of non-blocking and valid warranty.\r\ 86765000\r\nFax: 86765900\r\nPostal code: 1587833134\r\nEmail:\r\nTehran, Motahari Street, Mir Emad Street, above 10th Alley, Floor 33, Unit 3

  • Special sale of Fortigate FG90G firewall

    The next generation FortiGate 90G firewall series is the new product of FortiNet in 2023. The FortiGate 90G is ideal for creating security-based networks at enterprise sites of any scale. For advice and to get the best daily prices of all types of Fortigate firewalls, contact the experts of Afratech Houshmand company. Also, contact us to buy FortiGate 90G license online and offline with the guarantee of non-blocking and valid warranty. Consultation and purchase of Fortigate FG90G For more information, visit the Afratech Smart website: Phone: 86765000 Fax: 86765900 Postal code: 1587833134 Email: Tehran, Motahari Street, Mir Emad Street, above 10th Alley, Floor 33, Unit 3

Network Services
Price list and manufacturers of network equipment including Fortygate firewall, Auxin fiber optic cable, telecommunication and fiber optic testing devices, network infrastructure services, passive network