Who we are?
Jooyeshgar was found at 2008 with vision of new services in IT and Web. www.jooyeshgar.com is one of Jooyeshgar project to provid the E-Commerce platform for Iranian businesses and companies based on business-to-business model.
Jooyeshgar.com is not an advertising website, it's a business database which not only can introduce businesses and their product/services but also can be a platform for businesses to put their needs for a service or product in rich of companies which can satisfy these needs. Jooyeshgar means "Search engine" in Persian and you can search companies, businesses and thier needs in Jooyeshgar.com.Jooyeshgar won't spam users emails,Jooyeshgar won't let SMS advertisers to use Jooyeshgar users cellphone numbers. This is our ethic duty and we are committed to do protect users privacy.
Mannager: Hadi Aminzadeh.
Business management: Miss Kiani.
E-learning: eLearnEver Academy.
Customer relation and Support: Jooyeshgar Pardis Eram Eng. Co.
Our Goal:
Jooyeshgar is leaning to use E-commerce solutions to provide platform for sellers and buyer of products/services to have interactions.Unlike other websites our model is business-to-business therefore the main purpose of site is companies not their products.Our validation is based on companies and their repitation.
Why you should join Jooyeshgar:
Simple sale and without middleman.
Finding companies and businesses to close a contract.
Free special advertising serction.
Special section for income.
Special section for innovation.
Catagorising businesses and companies.
Search by categories.