Production and sale of lldpe and pvc roundels and cover bolts

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Production and sale of lldpe and pvc roundels and cover bolts

Arian Khak Iranian product variety and quality, price suitability, sales and implementation
Designer, implementer and producer of geosynthetics in the civil, construction, road construction, oil, gas and petrochemical industries

Manufacturer and implementer of all kinds of sheets and rundles PVC and coverbolt for isolation and sealing of all kinds of executive seams, subway tunnels, underground tunnels and construction pits. It has a sheet of technical specifications and world standards

Advantages of sealing, isolating and draining tunnels and underground structures using geosynthetics:
 Reducing the risk of accidents
 Acceptable reduction in implementation costs compared to traditional methods
 Significant reduction in maintenance costs
 High compressive strength, flexibility and very high speed of implementation and implementation
 Thickness Low, high capacity of water conduction, low weight and long life of geosynthetic products.
Due to the presence of nailing and reinforcement, the surface of the floor and walls must be smoothed first to apply geomembrane and geodrain layers. Covering the heads of the indigo with soft cement and cutting the heads of the indigo as much as possible and using several layers of geotextile to cover them is very effective to do this. At this stage, it plays two main roles: 1- Filter: to prevent the filling of voids and network of the drain by pebbles and mud 2- Guiding the water towards the drain: geotextile with moisture absorption , directs the water to the upper layer (geodrine).
Execution of the drainage layer (geodrine) :
to direct the water to the drainage pipes and transfer it out of the tunnel through the geodrine layers (dimple sheet) or the 3-dimensional CVF layer according to the opinion of the expert) is used. The edges of the geomembrane sheet in the overlips and test the welding points.
Execution of the second layer of geotextile :
In order to protect the geomembrane against the concrete layer, another layer of high grammage geotextile is used.
Execution of waterstops :
r\nFor the complete sealing of all kinds of bento waterstops Niti and PVC are used.
Execution of protective concrete:
After the mentioned steps, the protective concrete is implemented and we will proceed with the project.
For more information, contact us.

Contact Info: Aryan is the land of Iranians
Companyآرین خاک ایرانیان
Tel +98 21-8×××9861, +98 21-8×××9862, +98 21-8×××5043 callMake Call
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Addressتهران ، یوسف آباد ، خیابان جهان آرا ، خیابان 27 ، پلاک 67 ، طبقه 3 ، واحد 5
Postal code1438895388
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