Types of industrial cooling towers

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Types of industrial cooling towers

Fiberglass cooling tower is one of the best and most suitable equipment for cooling water used in devices and equipment in air conditioning production and process lines. The main task of the cooling tower is to take the excess temperature of hot water and transfer it to the open air. The working method of the cooling tower is to reduce the water temperature by increasing the contact surface and contact time of the open air. The evaporative cooling tower can cool the incoming water to wet temperature. The cooling tower can be produced in two general ways in terms of air flow: Open circuit cooling tower or wet cooling tower Closed loop cooling tower or hybrid cooling tower Click the link below to read the types of packing: https://www.shomanews.com/fa/tiny/news-1027076

Of course, different types of cooling towers can be classified in different ways, which we mention below: Fiberglass cooling tower, wooden, galvanized Cubic and round (conical) cooling tower Adiatic cooling tower Chiller cooling tower In the following, we refer to the introduction of various components used in the construction of the cooling tower. Electric Motor: The cooling tower electric motor actually provides the power to turn the cooling tower fan. Fan propeller or cooling tower (fan): Due to the rotation of the propeller inside the cooling towers, the air is expelled from the inside of the tower. Speed ​​reducer belt: This belt is used as a speed reducer in the cooling tower. In some cases, this money is used for this purpose. Cooling tower washer or filler: By spraying water on these washers, the contact surface for cooling increases. The most important equipment in cooling towers are packing fans and cooling towers. Water sprinkler: This equipment provides the possibility of spraying water or fine spraying on the trim. Sprinkler head: This device is also used to sprinkle water on the trim. Droplet eliminator: Using a droplet in the cooling tower reduces water droplets that leave the body and contaminate the environment around the cooling towers. Cooling tower bottom pan or pond: In this test, water that is sprayed and cooled from above is collected to be directed to the cooling cycle through pipes and fittings. The cooling tower basin material can be fiberglass or concrete. Metal pond is also used in metal cooling tower. Shutter: Through these valves, air is drawn from outside the cooling tower into the cooling tower. Fan Deck: The top of the cooling tower where the air is transferred to the surrounding environment (atmosphere) after receiving the high temperature of the water.

Cooling towers are classified in the following categories in terms of air flow: natural flow Mechanical flow Forced flow Induction current Mixed flow

Types of cooling tower: natural flow cooling tower A natural flow or atmospheric cooling tower has no impeller and does not use a room for air circulation. The water inside these towers is only sprayed and the air circulates naturally, they are very cheap and do not work reliably and are highly affected by wind and weather conditions.

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Addressدفتر مرکزی: تهران، بلوار دریا، خ مطهری جنوبی، نبش 18
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