Descirption of the services monitoring the implementation of solar power plant

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Descirption of the services monitoring the implementation of solar power plant

1 - introduction: contains a review and provide a report regarding the following: ♦ standards and guidelines Sana and NRI ♦ rules and regulations of the country in the field of photovoltaic energy ♦ rules of procedure sale of electricity ♦ key points regarding the priorities (on the basis of regulatory approvals) in the field of choosing the location of the implementation of the project include: • areas of special, free, tourism, disadvantaged, and ... • support sharing state • optimum capacity of power plant from the perspective of Economics, Engineering,

2 - review the position of environmental and geographical site of the possible power plants (the existing data) ♦ check the amount of radiation annuity and the situation سایهاندازی ♦ check weather conditions such as maximum and minimum temperature ... ♦ the amount of pollution in the air ♦ the speed and direction of wind, wind ♦ investigate the topography of the region ♦ investigate the effectiveness on allergies, environmental, and other users possible the desired Pitch ♦ determine the path of the flood ♦ Check the calculated area needed for the modules and structures installed with technology ♦ access to roads, decent ♦ access to source enough water to wash the panels, ♦ the security of the region desired ♦ the cost of access to grid power according to the distance and capacity requirements ♦ attention to the possibility of plot development possible in the future

3 - review the power grid in terms of connectivity, power plant and provide the necessary solutions ♦ check information estimated time required network, available according to the time, to circuit the coming of the photovoltaic power plants ♦ form file connect the power plant to the national network in the connection point ♦ system studies include studies of: • Play Time • studies the network • calculations of short circuit

4 - monitor conceptual design made by the enforcement plan ♦ reviews and monitoring plan for the overall construction of the power plant and locating block components ♦ check the equipment proposed by the host • evaluation and ranking of suppliers, the equipment (module, construct, install, panel, inverter) • evaluation and ranking of suppliers, the equipment required for injection to the grid (transformers, etc. mail, etc.) • simulation based on data environmental software specialized photovoltaic • estimated annual generating power plant

5 - advice regarding the final design provided by the host plan based on the equipment and items, the ♦ monitor and advice on the map, electric and building plant ♦ monitor, providing the picture is quite clear from the makeup components, pathways, cabling, etc. the location of the اینورترها, etc. how to run system monitoring, etc. Earth and ... ♦ monitoring and advice regarding the Gantt chart, when provided by the host plan for the era advance, make وبهره operation توجه: at the customer's request, the company prepared to design solar power plant as well.

6 - monitoring, analysis economic and financial estimates of the project provided by companies, competent نظارت the items below that by the host plan claim is: z - price exact equipment of the proposed B - determine the fixed and variable costs of the project during its life c - estimate the cost of the investment and determine the point of head-to-head Plan de - stating method of financing the project and determine the share of the loan to be brought in cash shareholders E - calculation of financial and economic indicators of the project

  • sensitivity analysis for various scenarios, including the scenario of exchange rate change توجه: To a customer order, perform all analysis, economic project at the levels m ...

Contact Info: Azarakhsh Technology Pyramid Company
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