All Bohler Spring Sheet Company sell and buy offers

  • Sheets, straps, wire and steel pipe

    02166292215 :phone 02166292352 : Fox Sell all kinds of sheets, etc., lace, alloy, stainless steel steel blade., the blade, cutting, carbon, etc. لاتونهای bouncy and raw (Anil. stainless steel, phosphor bronze, etc. کاپرنیکل, etc., copper, copper-beryllium, and refractory dimensions واندازهای different A variety of lace closure, raw and bouncy from the thickness 02/0 to 5 mm A variety of straps, stainless steel bouncy, etc. فسفربرنز, rice, copper, beryllium, and refractory and ... A variety of straps, packaging, metal, Iron, oiled, etc. galvanized, steel, CK, etc. fabric زیگند ( m ...

  • Sell ​​Mirror steel sheet

    Sell Mirror steel sheet in Tehran Mirror steel sheet, also known as mirror sheet, is a type of steel sheet that has a very high gloss like the surface of a mirror. . Steel mirror sheet is a type of steel sheet that has many applications in industry. Steel mirror sheet is the most used in elevator and decorative industries. Steel mirror sheet has shapes and features There are different types. Steel Mirror sheet is available in the form of corrugated, patterned, silver, gold rose, smoky, black, gold sheet. Magnetic steel sheet is also available in two forms. Stainless steel mirrors are divided ...

  • Sale of Bahler crude spring steel

    Sale of crude spring steel Raw spring steel is an alloy that has a hardness of about 20 Rockwell. This group of raw spring steels, considering that they have not seen high hardness, ie about 47 Rockwell, can be increased by heat treatment, the hardness of spring steel. Raw spring steels are in the form of sheets, rolls, wires, rebars. Raw spring steel is usually in the form of sheets or rolls with widths of 40 sites with grades ck75, ck67, ck55, etc. Raw spring steel is sold by weight and kg. Steel Raw springs are available in different thicknesses in the market. Behler spring sheet is a sell ...

  • Sale of spring steel sheets

    Sale of spring steel sheets in Tehran Spring steel sheets are sheets with high hardness and excellent elasticity. Spring steel sheets with different grades, including grade 304 And 301 is supplied. Spring steel sheet is stainless and has high hardness and strength. Spring steel sheet is supplied with different thicknesses starting from 1 percent. Steel sheet Spring at low thickness is in the form of a roll. Spring steel sheet at greater thickness is in the form of a two-meter sheet. Usually 40 cm by two meters Another name for this spring steel sheet in the Laton spring chimney plate market. ...

  • Selling Laton chimney sheets

    Selling Laton chimney sheets Various, most of which are made of steel. Laton chimney plate is used to align and accurately align parts. Placed. These gaps are usually from a few microns to a few millimeters, and the Laton chimpanzee sheet does this perfectly. And spring steel, which can be offered and sold in the Behler spring sheet collection. Laton chimney sheet can be supplied with different widths and thicknesses. Thickness starts at 1% and usually continues to a thickness of 3 mm. Laton shimplate sheet is available in rolls and sheets. Laton shimplate sheet is sold in weight and kilogra ...

  • Sale of Bahler juicy spring steel

    Sale of hardened hydrated spring steel in Tehran Juicy or hardened spring steel is called an alloy that has a hardness of about 45 to 47 Rockwell. Hulled or hardened spring steel has a high hardness due to the fact that it has already been hardened and heat treatment has been performed on it. Hulled spring steel has different grades and the most famous of them is CK. Is. is a suction spring steel with grades CK75, CK67, CK55. The most widely used of which is CK75. Hulled or hardened spring steel has excellent elasticity and excellent hardness. Hulled spring steel is available in two colors, ...

  • Sale of mesh sheet punch mesh

    Sale of mesh sheet punch sheet Net mesh sheet punch is produced and supplied with different materials such as steel, iron, galvanized, etc. Stainless steel mesh sheet punch mesh It is usually with 304 and 316 grades, but it is mostly in the form of 304 steel. Net mesh punch mesh with different dimensions, thickness and springs. And continues to higher thicknesses and springs. Net mesh punch mesh in low thicknesses and full holes are imported and molded. The price of mesh sheet punch mesh depends on various factors, including the type of material The thickness of the sheet or mesh depends on t ...

  • Selling steel mesh netting $ 0101 Selling all kinds of stainless steel mesh netting \ r \ n \ r \ nSending steel mesh is made of steel and anti-wear. \ R \ nSranding steel mesh is very resistant to abrasion and corrosion. \ r \ nSarandi steel mesh ha

    Sale of steel mesh in Tehran, Sale of screen mesh in Tehran, Sale of anti-wear mesh in Tehran, Price of steel mesh in Isfahan, Sale of steel mesh in Tabriz, Sale of steel mesh in Shadabad, Sale of steel mesh in Karaj, Sale of mesh netting in Mashhad, Sale of anti-wear mesh in Pamanar, Sale of steel mesh in Ahvaz, Sale of mesh netting in Shiraz, Sale of steel mesh in Qom, Price of anti-wear steel mesh, Sale of steel mesh in Yazd, Sale of anti-wear mesh in Kashan

  • Oiled iron packing belt

    Sold iron packing belt Iron packing belt, also known as oil packing belt, is made of ST12 and ST14 steels. Iron wrapping belt has high tensile strength. Iron wrapping straps are also resistant to pressure and stability. Iron wrapping straps have different dimensions and thicknesses. Iron wrapping straps are usually standard sizes 32, 19, 16 These are the most widely used sizes, but other sizes such as 13 are also available. Iron packaging straps can be produced and supplied according to the order, and there is a limit to its production, provided that the order quantity is appropriate. . Iron ...

  • Selling phosphorus rice sheet

    Phosphor bronze is a copper alloy that has many different applications in different industries. Usually, phosphor bronze is not an iron-containing alloy and has its own characteristics, which are: It is an excellent conductor for the passage of electric current. It has spring properties for making all kinds of springs. It has good resistance to rust. It has good flexibility. It should be noted that phosphor bronze does not have magnetic properties and is non-sticky. Phosphor bronze is widely used in various industries; But its most use is in the industry of preparing electrical produ ...

  • Selling rice sheets

    Brass alloy is created by combining copper and zinc, and with the formation of this alloy, new properties are created in rice. Some properties of rice are: Good hammering Excellent conductor formability Good questioning Proper rolling Germicidal properties These good features of rice sheet have caused many objects and parts to be produced and supplied using this alloy. According to the type of elements and materials used in its construction, rice sheets are divided into the following two categories: Soft brass sheets Spring or hard brass sheets To see more details about the ...

  • Wholesale sale of copper sheet

    Copper sheet is produced from an alloy called copper. Cu alloy is a soft, conductive, red-colored metal. Due to its properties and characteristics, this metal has many uses in various industries. Its atomic number is 29 and it is non-combustible. The method of copper extraction is not very difficult and it is usually a byproduct of silver alloy and other minerals. The most copper alloy is used in the electrical and electronics industry. There is a type of copper alloy that is prepared by the casting method, which is called copper alloy, and it is obtained by melting scraps and other old all ...

  • Sale of phosphor bronze rebar

    It is interesting to know that phosphor bronze was created by a Belgian inventor. Phosphorbronze is one of the copper alloys that contains some tin and phosphorus. Tin alloy increases the resistance of phosphor bronze against corrosion. Phosphorus in phosphor bronze also increases the amount of wear resistance. It should be noted that by increasing the amount of phosphorus in this alloy, its brittleness also increases and on the other hand, it makes the alloy harder. Now, if we increase the amount of tin in this alloy, this will increase the strength and corrosion resistance of this alloy. ...

  • Wholesale sale of brass rebar

    Brass rebar is a well-known name in the field of non-ferrous metals. Brass rebar is a combination of copper and zinc elements. Rice rebar has very suitable features for dear craftsmen. Among the features of rice rebar, the following can be mentioned: High strength very difficult good conductor Proper formability Resistance to tarnishing Germicidal properties Being a hammerhead Brass rebar has many uses due to its excellent properties. Among the applications of brass rebar, it can be mentioned that it is used in heat exchangers, making all kinds of gears, producing special fasteners, ...

  • Sale of copper rebar

    Many people recognize copper from its red color and appearance. Copper alloy is one of the most widely used alloys after iron and aluminum. Copper bars are produced using this alloy. Copper alloy has the ability to conduct electricity and heat. The chemical symbol of copper alloy is Cu. Copper alloy is a solid, non-combustible element that exists in pure form in nature. Copper alloy is more than 10,000 years old. It is interesting to know that the ancient Egyptians used copper as a symbol of governance and this alloy was a sign of eternal life for them. Copper alloy is one of the transition ...

  • Sale of beryllium copper bars

    Beryllium copper rebar is made of an alloy called beryllium copper. This alloy is produced from the combination of copper and beryllium. If we add some beryllium to the copper alloy, we will increase the strength and make the copper alloy harder, and this hardness is more than the copper base alloys. If controlled mechanical operations are performed on this alloy, it will further increase its hardness. Due to the anti-spark feature of this alloy, it is used for electrical fasteners, welding point electrodes and spark production tools. Types of beryllium copper alloys Beryllium copper al ...

  • Sale of steel pipe

    Stainless steel pipe is made of stainless steel. Stainless steels are further developed to resist corrosion. Among the characteristics of this group of steels are malleability, high toughness at room temperature and low temperature, and good resistance to scaling, oxidation, creep and change of properties at high temperature. Stainless steels belong to the category of alloy steels containing a large amount of chromium. The minimum element of conventional chromium in this category of steels is 11%, and in order for iron alloys to have rust-free properties, the amount of chromium in them shou ...

  • Selling steel wire

    Stainless steel wire is a wire made of stainless steel. Stainless steels are further developed to resist corrosion. Among the characteristics of this group of steels are malleability, high toughness at room temperature and low temperature, and good resistance to scaling, oxidation, creep and change of properties at high temperature. Stainless steels belong to the category of alloy steels containing a large amount of chromium. The minimum element of conventional chromium in this category of steels is 11%, and in order for iron alloys to have rust-free properties, the amount of chromium in th ...

  • Sale of stainless steel rebar

    Stainless steel rebar is a rebar made of stainless steel. Stainless steels are further developed to resist corrosion. Among the characteristics of this group of steels are malleability, high toughness at room temperature and low temperature, and good resistance to scaling, oxidation, creep and change of properties at high temperature. Stainless steels belong to the category of alloy steels containing a large amount of chromium. The minimum element of conventional chromium in this category of steels is 11%, and in order for iron alloys to have rust-free properties, the amount of chromium in ...

  • Sale of phosphor bronze tube

    Behler spring sheet collection, as one of the main suppliers of metal products in the country, considers its main mission to provide high quality products at the most appropriate price. This collection tries to advance the goals of respected customers by providing free consultations. Therefore, the experts of Behler spring sheet collection are ready to answer your specialized questions, dear customers. Considering the variety of phosphorus bronze tube products in different dimensions and sizes as well as its use in various industries, Behler spring sheet collection has the possibility to ...

  • Sale of brass pipe

    Behler spring plate collection, as one of the main suppliers of metal products in the country, considers its main mission to provide high quality products at the most appropriate price. . This collection tries to advance the goals of respected customers by providing free consultations. Therefore, the experts of Behler spring sheet collection are ready to answer your specialized questions, dear customers. Due to the variety of brass tube products in different dimensions and sizes as well as its use in various industries, Behler spring sheet collection has the possibility to prepare, sell ...

  • Sale of copper pipe

    Behler spring sheet collection, as one of the main suppliers of metal products in the country, considers its main mission to provide high quality products at the most appropriate price. This collection tries to advance the goals of respected customers by providing free consultations. Therefore, the experts of Behler spring sheet collection are ready to answer your specialized questions, dear customers. Considering the variety of copper pipe products in different dimensions and sizes as well as its use in various industries, Behler spring sheet collection has the possibility to prepare, s ...

  • Sale of phosphor bronze belt

    phosphor bronze; An alloy with compounds such as tin and phosphorus. Tin and phosphorus elements give more fluidity to the composition in the molten state and make casting operations easier. This special feature makes phosphor bronze come in various forms and makes it easy to work with it. Phosphor bronze has a fine-grained structure, and this feature increases the elasticity of the spring. The element of tin increases the strength of phosphor bronze, and the element of phosphorus also increases the resistance to corrosion and rust. As the amount of tin increases, the strength and har ...

  • Selling brass belt

    Brass belt and brass alloy is a combination of copper and zinc. The color of brass alloy depends on its zinc and copper content. Brass alloy has a density between 8.4 and 8.7 grams per cubic centimeter. The copper in the brass alloy is about 33-67%, and according to the applications of brass in the industry, it may reach 95%. Some features of brass alloy and brass belt are: Rust resistant Good formability High strength Good recyclability Resistance to tarnishing Having a yellow or golden color Hammering property Germicidal properties It is non-magnetic Excellent passage of elect ...

  • Selling copper belt

    Copper belt is very suitable and practical in earthing and lightning protection industries due to its conductor nature. The above belts are used as descending conductors or earth conductors. Copper belts usually have a purity above 99.5% and have very good electrical conductivity. The use of these copper belts has three basic problems: They are very expensive. are sulfated. They are stolen. We have a suggestion for you to solve this problem. If you use a copper belt as a descending conductor, you can replace it with a stainless steel belt. But if you have to use a copper belt as an ...

  • Sale of beryllium copper belt

    Behler spring sheet collection, as one of the main suppliers of metal products in the country, considers its main mission to provide high quality products at the most appropriate price. This collection tries to advance the goals of respected customers by providing free consultations. Therefore, the experts of Behler spring sheet collection are ready to answer your specialized questions, dear customers. Considering the variety of beryllium copper belt products in different dimensions and sizes as well as its use in various industries, Behler's spring sheet collection has the possibil ...

  • Sale of aluminum belt

    Behler spring sheet collection, as one of the main suppliers of metal products in the country, considers its main mission to provide high quality products at the most appropriate price. This collection tries to advance the goals of respected customers by providing free consultations. Therefore, the experts of Behler spring sheet collection are ready to answer your specialized questions, dear customers. Due to the variety of aluminum belt products in different dimensions and sizes as well as its use in various industries, Behler spring sheet collection has the possibility to prepare, sell ...

  • Import and sale of Zygnod packing belt

    Zygnod packaging belts are very strong and powerful spring metal belts. These belts have very high strength and elasticity. Zygnod packing belts are black and so-called waxed. These belts are completely imported and are usually imported and supplied from Turkey or Taiwan under license. Zygnod packing belts have at least twice the strength and strength of other metal packing belts. These types of belts are considered among the most reliable packing belts. Zygnode packing belts are usually used for export goods. Zygnod packaging belts have three sizes: 32, 19, and 16. These belts are avail ...

  • Sale of galvanized packing belt

    Steel belts are galvanized to make them rustproof. Some important features of galvanized packing belt are: Anti-rust property high resistance Good killing power formability Galvanized packaging belts are produced and supplied in rolls like iron belts. Galvanized packing belts are produced and supplied with sizes 32-19-16. Of course, due to the fact that the Behler spring sheet collection has a roll-to-roll cutting workshop for all kinds of metal belts, it also has the ability to cut roll-to-roll according to the customer's order. Behler's spring sheet collection can deliver ...

  • Selling black packing belt

    Behler spring sheet collection, as one of the main suppliers of metal products in the country, considers its main mission to provide high quality products at the most appropriate price. This collection tries to advance the goals of respected customers by providing free consultations. Therefore, the experts of Behler spring sheet collection are ready to answer your specialized questions, dear customers. Considering the variety of black packaging belt products in different dimensions and sizes as well as its use in various industries, Behler's spring sheet collection has the possibili ...

  • Sale of steel packing belt

    Steel packaging belts are belts with very high pressure and tensile strength. These belts are produced and supplied in three sizes: 32, 19, and 16. Steel packing belts are usually imported from abroad. Of course, this product is also produced and supplied in Iran. Steel packaging belts have different thicknesses due to their different widths. These thicknesses may vary from 0.4 to 1.2 mm. But its most consumption is in the numerical range between 5 and 8 tenths. Steel packaging belts are mostly imported and sold from countries such as Turkey, Korea and China. Steel belts may also be call ...

  • Sale of steel packing belt

    Steel packaging belt is a belt that is usually not available in fabric form. This product should be cut and prepared roll by roll. Steel packing belts, which are often made of 304 steel, are rustproof. For this reason, it is used in areas with high humidity. These belts will not be effective in acidic environment or sea water. In acidic environmental conditions and sea water, steel grade 316 packing belt should be used. Another feature of steel packing belt is resistance and durability against pressure and heat. Due to the absence of a fabric packaging belt, the ease of cutting roll to r ...

  • Shim Plate Steel | Laton Steel

    Shim plate (brass) steel\r\n Lawton Steele\r\nLawton steel is one of the most widely used lawtons. Considering that we have other latons such as copper laton, brass laton, phosphor bronze laton, spring steel laton and other latons, but steel laton is very widely used.\r\nOne of the most important reasons for using Lawton Steel is that Lawton Steel is stainless. Laton steel is very resistant to wear and corrosion and never rusts.\r\nOf course, it should be said here that Lawton Steel has several grades of steel:\r\n1. Lawton Steel 304\r\n2. Lawton Steel 316\r\n3. Lawton Steel 301\r\nAnd each o ...

  • 304 steel sheet

    304 stainless steel sheet is a roll or sheet of 304 stainless steel. 304 has excellent mechanical properties, resistance to many corrosive agents. 304 stainless steel is useful where hygiene and cleanliness are important. It is non-magnetic in the annealed condition.\r\nWhat is the characteristic of 304 steel sheet?\r\nIt has a minimum of 18% chromium and 8% nickel, along with a maximum of 0.08% carbon. It is defined as an austenitic chrome-nickel alloy. The grade of 304 stainless steel sheet is the standard \"18/8\" stainless that you will likely see on your pans and cookware.\r\n\r\n What is ...

  • 301 steel sheet

    301 steel sheet is a versatile austenitic steel with high strength and excellent corrosion resistance.\r\nIts primary alloying elements are chromium and nickel. It shows itself in the aerospace, automotive, architecture and transportation industries.\r\nWhat are the properties of 301 steel sheet?\r\nStainless steel 301 - AMS 5901\r\nMelting range: 2250-2950 degrees Fahrenheit (1399-1421 degrees Celsius)\r\nDensity: 0.2850 pounds per 3 (7.88 grams per cubic centimeter)\r\nSpecific weight: 8.03\r\nModulus of elasticity in tension: 28·10 6 psi (193 GPa)\r\nWhat grade is 301 steel sheet?\r\n301 st ...

  • 316 steel sheet

    What is 316 steel sheet?\r\n316 steel sheet is an austenitic and heat-resistant chromium nickel stainless steel sheet that has higher corrosion resistance than other chromium nickel steels that are exposed to various chemical corrosives such as sea water, salt water solutions and the like.\r\nWhat is 316 steel sheet made of?\r\nSimilar to 304, 316 steel sheet has high amounts of chromium and nickel. 316 also contains silicon, manganese and carbon, most of which is iron.\r\nWhy is 316 steel sheet called 316 steel sheet?\r\nWhat does 316 steel sheet mean? 316 steel sheet is an austenitic form of ...

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