All Sepahan insulation sell and buy offers

  • Golden polymer polycarbonate

    Polycarbonate is the hardest transparent material that is used as a suitable alternative to glass in various construction sectors.\r\nThe advantages of polycarbonate coating instead of glass are lower cost and lighter weight.\r\nApplications: construction, transportation industry, glass applications, swimming pool covering, roof covering, open or closed stadiums, covering warehouse skylights, covering meeting hall skylights.\r\nSales representative of single-wall and double-wall polycarbonate sheets in Isfahan\r\nThe best quality and the most economical price \r\nWe have removed the middlemen

  • Isfahan Unalite foam

    Selling all kinds of foam blocks and unalite sheets in the density and thickness you want \r\nThe best quality and the most economical price \r\nShipping from the factory door \r\nWe have removed the middlemen

  • Fiberglass sales representative

    Sales representative of all types of 300 and 450 gram fiberglass sheets in various designs and colors for covering the roof and floral designs for wall covering in widths of one meter to three meters. Sales representative of transparent fiberglass for the roof of the shed for excellent lighting during the day without the use of lamps in all areas. Your desired designs\r\nAdvantages of fiberglass: \r\nHigh resistance\r\nNon-combustible\r\nDimensional stability\r\nNo decay\r\nThermal conductivity\r\nThe best quality and the most economical price\r \nShipping from the factory door \r\nWe have rem ...

  • Tile Mehrchin

    Sales agent of all kinds of Mehrchin sheets in different colors for making all kinds of sloping surfaces The best quality and the most economical price We have removed the middlemen

  • Glass wool sales representative

    Glass wool is a type of thermal and sound insulation. Glass wool, by absorbing sound energy, improves the sound performance of walls, floors, and ceilings and transmits any sound pollution. \r\nAdvantages of glass wool: \r\nGlass wool prevents energy loss by balancing the heating and cooling requirements of the environment. Being an acoustic property\r\nBeing cheap\r\nA sales representative of all kinds of glass wool in different fields\r\nThe best quality and the most economical price\r\nSending from the factory door\r\nWe have removed the intermediaries.

  • Polyethylene foam

    All kinds of polyethylene foams, crossling, pipe foam, mattress foam, roll foam\r\nThe official agent of Sepehr Foam and Speed ​​Foam in Isfahan and the sales center of all kinds of epe.xpe.eva.xps foams in roll form, mattress foam 200160 200180, board foams in desired sizes and thicknesses\r\n Buy from a dealer for less.\r\nFoams are the best insulation and the best heat, humidity and sound insulation. Polyethylene foams are light and soft and easy to carry and install. Polyethylene foam consists of the combination of tiny air bubbles with compressed polyethylene and has the property of cell ...

  • Crystal-hypek-flexi sheets

    The sale of all kinds of crystal, high-pack, and flexi sheets in different designs and colors is one of the most up-to-date and suitable products, which has many features and applications, including the construction of false ceilings, partitions, etc.\r\nThis sheet can be prepared in the desired dimensions and in the desired color range\r\nThis product has a very high resistance to impact and pressure\r\nIn addition to its cost-effective price, it has a high purchase value\r\nWe removed the middlemen.

  • Galvanized sheets-colored tiles

    Selling all kinds of galvanized and colored sheets and colored tiles in your desired dimensions in clay, sinuous, shadowline, shutter, trapezoid designs.\r\nIn the daily brands of Mobarake Foolad market, Isfahan, Haft Almas, Kashan and...\r\nGalvanized sheets are covered with metal and coating, which makes them resistant to rust and corrosion.\r\nThe best quality and the best price \r\nWe removed the middlemen

  • Crosslink foam

    Sepahan Insulation is the official representative of Sepehr Foam, which is the only producer of crosslink foam in the country with various thicknesses from 3 to 30 mm in roll form. \r\nAnd 40 to 120 in the form of boards and the densities are in the form of 20 to 200\r\n \r\nIn the production of these foams, a curing agent is used, which causes the formation of three-dimensional structures in the product, which greatly increases the properties of the foams.\r\nFor floor heating foam insulation and silent foam\r\nSelling in bulk\r\nWe removed the middlemen\r\nTop quality, reasonable price.

  • Rock wool roll and board

    Sales agent of all kinds of stone wool panels and rolls in different densities for sound and heat insulation\r\nStone wool is the best sound insulation\r\n Due to its high resistance and high thermal coefficient, it is considered a suitable and good insulation.\r\nRock wool does not burn and has high heat tolerance against fire\r\nApplication:\r\nResidential building walls\r\nRecording and cinema studios\r\nThe best quality and the most economical price \r\nShipping from the factory door \r\nWe have removed the middlemen

  • Chicken wire

    ✅ Advantages of using chicken net: Easy to carry due to its light weight. Reasonable price of this product. Strong and resistant to corrosion and rust. Speed ​​and simplicity of use. Chicken netting :\r\nInfrastructures by tiles and plasterwork\r\nIn columns as cover\r\nGlass wool protector and stabilizer for insulation\r\nCan be used on the roof\r\nFencing small animal nests or care From plants with the best quality and the lowest price

  • Different types of cold foam in different sizes and thicknesses

    Cold foam is one of the most widely used polymer materials in the world. It can be made using cold foam\r\nand the production of all kinds of mattresses, furniture, sofas, car seats, etc\r\nThis foam has high capabilities, the most important of which is flexibility and very high resistance against tensile and elastic factors.\r\nSuperior quality and reasonable price are the result of our high production and sales\r\nBuy directly from the factory

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