device [fruit dryer] ( % 85% db% 8c% d9% 88% d9% 87-% d8% ae% d8% b4% da% a9-% da% a9% d9% 86 /% d8% af% d8% b3% d8% aa% da% af% d8% a7% d9% 87-% d8% ae% d8% b4% da% a9-% da% a9% d9% 86-% d9% 85% db% 8c% d9% 88% d9% 87 -t200 /) T200
Consumption of electricity: 220V city
Fuel: city gas, liquefied gas, single-phase or three-phase electricity, diesel or dual-burner
External body: steel with furnace or Stainless steel
Inner body: Galvanized sheet or steel
Capacity: 40 trays with dimensions of 72 x 72 cm
Height: 220 cm
Width: 137 cm
Length: 200 cm
Input capacity of the dryer: 150 to 250 kg
Other specifications:
It has high density insulation and excellent sound and heat insulation with the least energy dissipation
Automatic dehumidification to improve the quality of dried fruit
Regular air circulation inside the machine as a result of regular drying of all trays of the machine
Has a digital timer
Has a hygrometer and digital thermostat
https: / / % d9% 87-% d9% 85% db% 8c% d9% 88% d9% 87-% d8% ae% d8% b4% da% a9-% da% a9% d9% 86 /% d8% af% d8 % b3% d8% aa% da% af% d8% a7% d9% 87-% d8% ae% d8% b4% da% a9-% da% a9% d9% 86-% d9% 85% db% 8c% d9% 88% d9% 87-t200 /