PN16/PN10 flanged gearbox valve

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PN16/PN10 flanged gearbox valve

What is the application of the flanged butterfly valve of the gearbox?
Butterfly valves are used in all water supply facilities, including drinking and raw water, as well as non-corrosive fluids up to 70 degrees to cut off and connect the flow. The use of butterfly valves in transmission lines as a flow controller is not allowed, they must be completely open or fully closed.
### Standard:
1. Valve design according to DIN (3354) DIN EN 593 standard
2. Valve dimensions according to the standard (EN 558-1 SERIES 14) DIN 3202-F4
3. Designing the disk in such a way that its resistance to fluid flow is minimal.
4. Machining the seat of the valve driver according to the ISO 5210 standard
5. Machining of valve gearbox according to ISO 5211 standard
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Supplying category 40 equipment

  • Gold Company
  • Company registration date: -
  • Number of staff: 1-10 Person
  • Company activities:
  • Place: Iran, Province Tehran
  • In the field of: Appliances
  • Company Type: Private

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