Fire extinguishing of the server room and data center (Aerocell system)

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Fire extinguishing of the server room and data center (Aerocell system)

Implementation of gas fire extinguishing system (aerocell) for server room, data center, industrial electrical panels and archive room.
Installation by competent and experienced professionals.
Aerosol extinguisher in different sizes
To get a free consultation for setting up the Aerocell system, follow our communication channels.

Ayman Afrinan Sanabad

Stay safe with us!

Ayman Afrinan Sanabad

  • Trusted Company
  • Company registration date: -
  • Number of staff: 1-10 Person
  • Company activities: Agents, Distributor and Wholesaler, Service company, Shop, Other
  • Place: Iran, Province Khorasan Razavi
  • In the field of: Safety and security equipment
  • Company Type: Private

Contact Info: Ayman Afrinan Sanabad
Companyایمن آفرینان سناباد
Tel +98 51-9×××9125, +98 51-3×××3108 callMake Call
Mobile +98 915×××6260 callMake Call
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Instagram Instagram page
ProvinceKhorasan Razavi
Addressخیابان احمدآباد-ابوذر غفاری 10-شهید آشوری 4
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