Tufton Pyropack bread packaging machine

  • View: 215
  • updated: 24 Hour ago
  • Expire: Wednesday 20 May 2026
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  • Gold
  • 1 Year

Tufton Pyropack bread packaging machine

By purchasing the Tufton bread packaging machine, you will be able to pack bread in different types using the Pilopek packaging machine in the best possible way.

You can wrap pizza bread, wrap bread, wrap dry bread, wrap traditional bread, wrap hamburger bread, and wrap all kinds of bread with this machine.

Tufton bread packaging machine, Dolphin model 300

Make a safe purchase by purchasing the Dolphin 300 model Tufton bread packaging machine from Pyropack Packaging Industries.

This packaging machine can deliver 150 packages of bread per minute. The dimensions of the packaging with this device are equal to 50259 cm and also the dimensions of this device will be equal to 40075170 cm.

Adjusting the length of packaging and adjusting the speed of packaging will also be done digitally and by touch.

Pirozpak Machinery Packaging Industry Group is proud to offer all the packaging machines produced in accordance with the latest world standards to its dear customers.

If you want to get additional information about the features of each device, you can contact our colleagues at Pyrozpak packaging industries or visit our website.

All Pyropack devices have a two-year warranty and a 20-year after-sales service

Pack winner

  • Gold Company
  • Company registration date: -
  • Number of staff: 51-100 Person
  • Company activities: producer, Distributor and Wholesaler, Shop
  • Place: Iran, Province Esfahan
  • In the field of: machine manufacturing
  • Company Type: Private

Sale of Pilopak and Pirozpak packaging machines

Contact Info: Pack winner
Companyپیروز پک
Tel +98 31-3×××5552 callMake Call
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Website https://pirouzpack.ir/
Addressاصفهان-مشتاق سوم- بلوارارغوانیه-کوی شبنم 17
Postal code8155116198
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