[Sensor PT100 model ATR-S10](https://www.automation24.ir/product-1035/%D8%B3%D9%86%D8%B3%D9%88%D8%B1-pt100-%D9 %85%D8%AF%D9%84-atrs10)
Temperature sensor:
Temperature sensors are one of the most widely used sensors in the industry. It is possible to measure temperature in several ways, which include:
1) Thermocouple
2) RTD
3) Thermistor
Thermocouples are the most common equipment for measuring temperature in the industry. Thermocouple consists of two non-homogeneous metals such as iron and constantan, which are electrically connected on one side and create a hot junction or sensor element at this point.
Types of thermocouples:
## 1-Type E: chromel and constantan
## 2-type j: iron and constantan
## 3-Type T: copper and constantan
## 4-type k: Chromel and Alumel
## 5- Type N: Nicrosil and Nisil
## 6- Type B, S and R: platinum and rhodium
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RTD element stands for Resistance Temperature Detector. This type of sensor is one of the linear sensors in temperature measurement, and our output signal is a resistance signal. Various resistive metals are used to make RTD, but RTD elements made of platinum are the most common type of RTD, of which there are two main types called PT100 and PT1000.
This sensor is also used to sense the temperature. Temperature-sensitive resistors made of semiconductor materials are called thermistor.
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