Contactor Hyundai HGC 22 coil 220V

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Contactor Hyundai HGC 22 coil 220V

[Hyunda contactor HGC 22 coil 220V]( %D9%88%D8%B1-%D9%87%DB%8C%D9%88%D9%86%D8%AF%D8%A7-hgc-22-%D8%A8%D9%88%D8%A8 %DB%8C%D9%86-220-%D9%88%D9%84%D8%AA)

Contactor :

Contactors are electromagnetic switches and are considered to be one of the most important components of control circuits. Before contactors were made, connections were made by manual switches, which were of different types of blades, tongues and rollers, but with the arrival of contactors in the market, almost all the uses of simple switches Out of class, contactors were considered faster and more reliable.

Compared to simple keys, the contactor has features such as:

1-Command from several points

2- Remote control

3- Being economical

4- Automatic shutdown in case of power failure

5 - The possibility of designing automatic circuits

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Contactor building:

It can be simply said that the contactors are a series of metal contacts that are insulated from each other and also made of a bobbin to attract and repel these contacts.

Some important specifications listed on the contactor plate:

1-Rated working voltage (ue): it is the amount of voltage that the contacts can withstand with the rated current Ie.

2-Rated insulation voltage (ui): specifies the insulation strength between connecting members.

3- Nominal supply voltage (uc): It is the voltage value that must be given to the contactor coil to trigger the contactor, and its value is usually written on the contactor.

4-Rated working current (Ie): The rated working current of a contactor is a current that expresses the condition of using the contactor and is related to the type and amount of voltage.

Things to consider when buying a contactor:

1-Bobbin supply voltage

2- Performance flow

3- Contactor power

4- Peripheral equipment

How to wire contactors

Contactors have several categories of terminals: A1 and A2 terminals, terminals No. 1-3-5 and 2-4-6, terminals No. 13-14 and 21-22.

There are two terminals marked A1 and A2 on the contactor, these two terminals are for feeding the coils of the contactor, that is, when you connect the phase (with the allowed voltage of the device) to A1 and the neutral to A2, the coil The contactor works.

Contactors have three input terminals 1-3-5 and three output terminals 2-4-6. In order to connect a single-phase consumer to the contactor and one phase enters the contactor, it is enough to connect the input phase to one of the inputs. enter and remove the same phase from the output, for example, if terminal 1 is used for the input phase, terminal 2 should be used for its output, and there is no need for other terminals, because in the internal connections of the contactor, terminals 1 and 2 3 connects with 4 and 5 connects with 6.
For a three-phase consumer, three phases are entered to the input 1-3-5 and connected to the consumer from the output 2-4-6.


Automation site 24

  • Gold Company
  • Company registration date: -
  • Number of staff: 1-10 Person
  • Company activities: Agents, Distributor and Wholesaler, Shop
  • Place: Iran, Province Qom
  • In the field of: Industrial electricity
  • Company Type: Private

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