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Sale of production line and machines for the production of ESL milk and other sensitive drinks such as flavored milk in PET bottle packaging
Sale of production line and machines for the production of aseptic milk, aseptic juice and other sensitive drinks such as flavored milk in PET bottle packaging
With the ultra clean method, you will be able to fill and pack gasless and carbonated products and have a longer shelf life.
(ESL stands for Extended Shelf Life)
## Aseptic milk production line
German technology for aseptic filling of milk in PET plastic bottles
- Complete aseptic milk production line for storing milk or other types of drinks with long shelf life and maintaining its taste.
Aseptic milk production line is from Yongsan company with German technology.
Construction, installation and operation of all aseptic machines in a short time in PET bottles
## Ultraclean production line for the production of fresh milk and juice without preservatives
Extend the shelf life of milk with this method.
With this method, you can store fresh juice without preservatives for a longer period of time.
The production line of ultraclean milk (Ultra clean) by Yongsan company is at a very competitive price.
## youngsun company
Avina Technology Company is the exclusive representative of Youngsun (youngsun) in Iran and the Middle East.
Search the word youngsun on the internet and see the greatness of this machine manufacturer in the world competition.
Company | گروه فنآوری آوینا |
Tel | +98 21-8×××9231 |
Mobile | +98 939×××8703 |
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Country | Iran |
Province | Tehran |
Address | خ شریعتی- بالاتر از خیابان ظفر |