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Caspian spraying is at your service, relying on its scientific expertise and experience. Caspian Spraying Services Group, in collaboration with medical entomology specialists graduated from Tehran University of Medical Sciences, provides specialized services in repelling health and urban pests, including various insects and urban rodents, and is ready to provide spraying and eradication teams. Announces insects such as beetles, bedbugs, mice, etc. Institutions, factories, forensics, hospitals and universities, dormitories, restaurants, fast foods, confectioneries, schools, hotels, companies, warehouses, gardens and using experienced people and We specialize in insect eradication and have extensively expanded our services. Their dry and wet waste generates health problems related to insects and rodents that are harmful to health and their reproduction has increased significantly, including these insects and rodents Bath cockroaches (American cockroaches), small cockroaches (cockroaches). German rye), flies and mice and rats are noteworthy that enter homes through municipal sewage piping and waste disposal sites. In the present age, and despite the new techniques of controlling insects and vermin and the advancement of spraying equipment, other personal and old methods are by no means controlling. In many homes, offices, industrial and manufacturing plants, despite the high risks of poisoning, carcinogenesis, lung disease and genetic mutations, the authorities still spray without consulting specialists. Due to the lack of information on the type and composition of toxins, dose of toxins, safety and protective instructions, the lethal properties of toxins are present in 98% of cases of poisoning and carcinogenicity reports. Knowledge-based spraying companies always prioritize suggestions for improving the environment as much as possible, and in case of spraying, the use of pesticides is completely safe and licensed by the Ministry of Health with complete information on the type and composition of pesticides that pose no danger to humans and non-target organisms. Caspian spraying is requested from all officials and esteemed compatriots not to use any kind of pesticide in any way, and in consultation with insect and pest control companies and specialists who have a medical entomology degree, to control pests.
Company | شرکت سمپاشی کاسپین |
Tel | +98 21-5×××5185 |
Mobile | +98 919×××5812 |
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Country | Iran |
Province | Tehran |
Address | خیابان انقلاب-خیابان فلسطین جنوبی-کوچه ژاندارمری-پلاک 6 |
Postal code | 1816753111 |