end force (U force) and middle force (H force)

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end force (U force) and middle force (H force)

Saze Bastar Arusha Co., Ltd. is a producer of Wadar H construction post wall. Y. End U U U Middle U H H End U U Middle H Production and distribution of U U End U in different sizes U End U in size 5 10300 cm
U end brace in size 515300 cm
U end brace in size 520300 cm
H end brace in size 510300 cm
H end washer in size 515300 cm
H end washer in size 520300 cm
All products are made of stainless steel sheet with maximum quality
All washers It is produced from 2-mil Mobarakeh steel sheet
and includes the appropriate thickness and the necessary standards according to the 2800 regulation. Call (At the bottom of the ad)

Arusha Foundation Company

  • Trusted Company
  • Company registration date: -
  • Number of staff: 21-50 Person
  • Company activities: producer, Distributor and Wholesaler
  • Place: Iran, Province Alborz
  • In the field of: Iron and steel industry
  • Company Type: Private

Production of wallpaper and wallpaper sections, interrupted studs + bed rebar + end clamp + middle clamp + heplexy clamp + flat clamp + sliding gutter + plate under clamp + clip + hook + reverse hook

Contact Info: Arusha Foundation Company
Companyشرکت سازه بستر آروشا
Tel +98 912-1×××037, +98 912-1×××037 callMake Call
Mobile +98 912×××8037 callMake Call
Whatsapp Whatsapp link
Instagram Instagram page
Telegram Telegram link
Website https://walllpost.ir
Addressکارخانه هشتگرد شهرک صنعتی دفتر کرج میدان آزادگان روبروی برج یادمان
Postal code3155614519
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