Major production and sale of all kinds of work clothes, overalls, office shirts and...

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Major production and sale of all kinds of work clothes, overalls, office shirts and...

Consultation, design and production of all kinds of work clothes, vests, office coats, uniforms, office shirts, sun hats with logo printing and embroidery

Ayman Niko Gostar tool

  • Trusted Company
  • Company registration date: -
  • Number of staff: 1-10 Person
  • Company activities: producer, Distributor and Wholesaler
  • Place: Iran, Province Tehran
  • In the field of: Safety Supplies
  • Company Type: Private

Niko Gostar Safety Equipment Company, under the brand name of Domino safety equipment, is active in the field of designing and producing all kinds of work clothes, vests, office coats, uniforms, etc., using the latest industrial wheels. , with an experienced staff of efficient safety officials in the field of supplying and consulting specialized personal protection equipment and workshops required in all industries (oil and gas, refinery, petrochemical, food industry, etc.) is also active. We hope to check our product selection take your time If you have any questions, our knowledgeable sales staff is available from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm to assist you with advice and purchase.

Contact Info: Ayman Niko Gostar tool
Companyایمن ابزار نیکو گستر
Tel +98 21-3×××8105 callMake Call
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Addressتهران خیابان پیروزی بن بست 20 متری بیمارستان فجر پلاک 14 طبقه اول
Postal code1735839108
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