Homaysh Gostar Kivar Company\r\n\r\nManufacturer of a wide range of chairs for conferences, cinema, meeting events and exported to Iraq. Our company relies on the latest international technologies and the best raw materials to produce high quality products. We also provide consulting services in the field of equipment and interior design for conferences and theaters.\r\n\r\nAddress of the main office: Alborz Governorate, Karaj, Golshahr 45 Meter Street, Pune Al-Sharqi Boulevard, Chemistry Building, 3rd Floor, Unit 4\r\n\r\nPhone: 026-34648342, Mobile: 09123619964\r\n\r\nAddress of the factory: Alborz Governorate, Ghazal Hessar Road, in front of the gasoline station, 110 Industrial Gran Street