Connection scheme of the solar power network-licensed network connection ساتبا and solar design -lic ...

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Connection scheme of the solar power network-licensed network connection ساتبا and solar design -lic ...

The Islamic Republic of Iran to plan the fifth development of 5000 MW of renewable energy planning in the society. While so far only close to the 100 MW power plant renewal پذبر ranging from wind and solar in the country, the installation is. Ironically, in the fourth Development Plan of the time of 2000 MW of renewable electricity forecast was that for some reason did not materialize. In this regard, it came up with extensive studies and review aspects of executive work, a plan comprehensive in order to construct solar power plants formulate that in the continuation of service offered. انرژی Solar, one of the sources of renewable energy and of the most they can be. The amount of radiation anori solar in different parts of the world is variable, and in the belt of solar Earth the most amount of whiskey. Country, Iran, as well as in the areas of the throw actually is and studies show that the use of solar equipment in Iran was appropriate and could be part of the energy required for the country to supply.

ایران is a country that, according to experts, this technology, despite the 300 days of sunshine in more than two-thirds of it, and the average radiation of 5.5 – 4.5 kilowatt-hours, square meter on day one of the countries with high potential in the field of solar energy is introduced. Some energy experts, solar step further and in a state utopian claim that Iran, in case of equipping an area of desert to the systems of received radiant energy could be the energy needed parts of the range of the area will also provide and in the field of issuing electrical energy to be active. با studies by DLR in Germany, in an area of over 2000 square kilometres, it is possible to install more than, MW of 60,000 solar thermal power plant there. If an area equivalent to 100×100 square kilometres of land to build solar power plants, photovoltaic, dedicate, electricity production it is the equivalent of the entire electricity production of the country in the year 1389 would be.

سلول photovoltaic sunlight directly into electrical energy convert does. About 30 gigawatt of capacity of photovoltaic new around the world in the year 2011 been operational and with the increase of 74 percent in the entire world to the extent of 70 gigawatt is reached. The installation of the real during the year 2011 nearly 25 gigawatts have been because some capacity connected to the grid in 2010 installed have been. the capacity of the operational systems, photovoltaic at the end of 2011, about 10 times the amount of total installed Global 5 years ago has been and hereby the average annual growth rate of 58 percent in the timeframe 2006 to 2011 has brought. The market share of thin film from 16% in 2010 to 15% in 2011, fell is. کشورهای leading in most installed capacity by the end of 2011, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain and the US have been. بار other the European Union because of the existence of the countries of Germany and Italy, market systems, photovoltaic in his hand. These two countries together, 57% of operational capacity, new in 2011 are allocated. The European Union almost 17 gigawatts installed capacity have been closer to 22 gigawatt of capacity connected to the grid has. Total capacity of installed systems photovoltaic the end of the year 2011 in the EU, 51 gigawatt is the amount in about three-quarters of the total capacity installed world can be. This amount of electricity demand of more than 15 million households in Europe's response would be. ICON in the country of Germany, the total installed capacity amounted to 24.8 gigawatt reached that the amount of 3.1% of the electricity produced in Germany to devote himself gives(in 2010 the rate of 1.9% has been). ایتالیا a new record as well. 9.3 gigawatt photovoltaic system enters the network that was the end of the year amounted to 12.8 gigawatts receipts. از other markets, the premier in Europe be Belgium(nearly 1 GW), the UK(0.9 GW), in Greece(more than 0.4 GW), in Spain(nearly 0.4 GW, which from the second to the Fourth of the year), in Slovakia(0.3 GW) cited.

-3-types of configurations available for solar cells: انواع different thanks to the available in the market to connect to the network three-phase and has three converter single phase is formed, each of which has a terminal bar hardwired. Depending on solar cell what makeup have اینورترها divided into four categories, are: • thanks to the central • thanks to a string • thanks to the multidisciplinary • thanks to module intermittent

سیلابس Ruth the preparation of the plan connect the gas power plant 1-the teaching of the Corpus overall, a solar power plant, and the characteristic voltage-current of the cell under the temperature and radiation intensity variable 2-Ruth How to layout and connect the array series/Parallel according to the specifications of the inverter of choice and variety of configurations available to select اینورترها 3-modeling of solar cell and inverter in DIgSILENT and do the broadcast time and the studies of short circuit 4-how to protect and select the key/relay/fuse in either the DC and AC settings and protection coordination between them 5-how to calculation mode, the transient and stability in the software DIgSILENT 6-calculation of harmonics and power quality 7-Explain the different types of groups, factions fact, for trans-solar power plant and the optimal choice of it and the system studies the Earth, 8-do studies and monitoring (monitoring of the solar difference with gaseous no) 9-descirption of how to modeling DSL design solar power plant in the DIgSILENT

اینجانب with a PhD in power has enough experience in the field of installation of power plant gas (GAS Engine-Turbine) and wind and solar and also obtaining the authorization of the power plants, DG what type of fossil and what type of renewable energy a year.

طرح connect the power plant to the network(studies, connection to the grid power plant, solar and wind and gas and renewable )

تعدادی from previous experiences in the field of authorization of the solar plant and connection scheme to the network: feasibility studies of connection to the electrical grid, and permit connection to the network, and the distribution type in the construction and confirmation of the connection and permit the environment and the change of land user ...

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