Smart online chiller device

  • View: 876
  • updated: 02 May 2024
  • Expire: Saturday 02 May 2026
  • 199.34 USD
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  • 1 Year

Smart online chiller device

The smart online chiller device controls the temperature of the chiller according to the cooling needs of the building. By properly setting the chiller temperature, the electricity consumption of the chiller can be reduced by at least 10%.
In office buildings, the smart device turns off the chiller during non-working hours and at least 40% reduction in electricity consumption is guaranteed. At the same time, heavy consumption is eliminated.

One of the peripheral features of the Kausar smart device is online communication with the smart device, which, while receiving and recording all chiller information, errors are also reported to the maintenance.
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Contact Info: Kosar electronics optimizers
Companyبهینه سازان الکترونیک کوثر
Addressتهران خ انقلاب پ 216
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