Intelligentization of the server room

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  • Expire: Wednesday 29 Jul 2026
  • 2,200 USD
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  • 3 Year

Intelligentization of the server room

[Server Room Intelligence]( %B2%DB%8C-%D8%A7%D8%AA%D8%A7%D9%82-%D8%B3%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B1)
In the design of src control systems, which is considered an intelligent server room system, special warning and control factors have been used, which in addition to sending warnings in case of errors and displaying information online and offline and recording information, there are other capabilities in the system to When needed, along with the monitoring of various errors, it is possible to define the reaction of the hardware system

In other words, regarding specific errors, the system decides to implement an electrical or electromechanical process in order to reduce the critical margins related to the error.

For example, in the [smart control cooling] system ( -server-room) is defined in such a way that the operation of the coolers is changed at specific times and the active cooler replaces itself with the inactive cooler.

Also, in the control of the environmental conditions of the server room, smart control cooling, there is a feature that in case of loss of a cooler or failure to function properly, the replacement cooler is automatically activated and takes over the duty of the damaged cooler until it is repaired. All this process is automatic and It is done without the need of human decision making

The intelligent server room system made by this company has these specifications
1) Warning in case of temperature rise
2) Warning in case of increased humidity
3) Warning of increasing temperature and humidity on the mobile phone
4) Package control and automation system and cooling equipment
5) The ability to cut off the electricity in the server room during a fire
6) Drawing the curve of temperature changes
7) Drawing the curve of humidity changes
8) Record information as an Excel file
9) Registering annual information in the system memory
10) Detection of traffic in the server room
11) Smoke detection in the server room
12) Detection of water leakage
13) Detection of 2-phase network
14) Disconnecting the server during the 2nd phase of the network
15) Disconnecting the server during the transfer of phases
16) Adjusting the coolers at the appointed time
17) Increasing the number of coolers when the temperature rises
18) Cooling system failure alarm
19) Power cut alarm
20) Intelligent system for checking parts and sensors

and methods of warning and notification of danger in the forms
1) SMS alert
2) Warning in the form of a signboard
3) Warning as an alarm on the main screen
4) Warning as an alarm on the computer screen
5) Pop-up warning on the computer screen
6) Warning in the form of an audio siren with a sound of 80 dB and above
7) Warning in the form of an optical flasher
8) Warning by email

New features
1) Access to the monitoring of the server room as a web server
2) The possibility of combining all the stations in a central control unit
3) The possibility of receiving all warnings from all workstations
4) The possibility of reporting from all workstations in the control center

See the capabilities of the system from link below

See the photos of the projects here.

View the resume of the projects here.

Pishran Sanat Vira

  • Gold Company
  • Trusted Company
  • Company registration date: 2009-03-21
  • Number of staff: 1-10 Person
  • Company activities: producer, Trading Company
  • Place: Iran, Province Tehran
  • In the field of: Audio and Video
  • Company Type: Private

Provider of server room and data center monitoring and control systems - cold storage temperature data loggers - laboratory refrigerator and freezer temperature control and blood bank - exhibition and store counters
Intelligentization of server room temperature and humidity
Intelligentization of the server room
Smart server room
Intelligence and server room control
Temperature and humidity control in the server room
Temperature warning system with SMS
Server room control and monitoring system
Monitoring the environmental conditions of the server room
Intelligentization of the server room under the network
bms for server room
Smart server room with bms
Fridge temperature data logger
Cold storage temperature data logger
Ambient temperature data logger
Cold room thermograph
Freezer temperature data logger
Vaccine temperature data logger
Refrigerator temperature control
Freezer temperature control
Warehouse temperature and humidity control

Contact Info: Pishran Sanat Vira
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Addressتهران –بزرگراه ستاری جنوب به شمال-بعد از حکیم –نبش کوچه اسدی –پلاک41 –واحد 10
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