Nitroxy is a very affordable product. This product, with the ability to cryo nearly 70 warts, has a price of one million seven hundred thousand tomans. In other words, the cost of cryotherapy for each wart will be less than 30 thousand tomans. This is while the cost of cryotherapy in the office is about 400 thousand tomans per genital wart. \r\nNitroxi can be used as a treatment at home as well as clinically. This product can produce -70 degree cold with the help of N2o gas! This cold is great for quickly freezing the wart tissue. to protect the side tissues of the wart against the cold; 400 ml of antifreeze gel is included in the nitroxy package and you will be taught how to use this product for free. \r\n\r\nWhy should we buy nitroxypene?\r\n1) Being very affordable and cheapening the treatment process\r\n2) Availability of the product, for reuse (wart regrowth)\r\n3) Education Free cryotherapy by the company\r\n\r\nFor free consultation, contact us\r\n 09905558450 \r\nTahmasbi