Epoxy resin and epoxy hardener for stone processing

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  • Expire: Saturday 13 Sep 2025
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  • 2 Year

Epoxy resin and epoxy hardener for stone processing

Wide and diverse range of high performance epoxy resins are widely used among industrial resins, Khuzestan E06 epoxy resin with EPIRAN06 trade mark, is a light yellow and transparent liquid that is Chemical resistance and discontinuities caused by exposure to different environmental conditions, as well as mechanical properties and characteristics are superior to other resins, which has led to the significant use of this resin in aviation equipment and structures.
Packages: 10 , 20, 30, 60, 100 and 200 kg can be supplied.
On the other hand, due to the acceptable adhesion of this resin and its resistance to damage caused by exposure to water and moisture, this resin is considered a suitable and proportionate resin. It is used for applications such as aerospace industry equipment, advanced composite structures, defense industry, oil and gas industry, marine facilities, electricity and electronics, automotive industry, sports equipment, etc.\r[http://nhttps://semcoplast.com/product](http://nhttps://semcoplast.com/product) -category/epoxy-hardener/
industrial flooring, sports and construction
Industrial coatings and stones
Excellent adhesion to surfaces
High relative transparency
Excellent resistance
Excellent penetration into holes and work porosity\r \nEasy to use
Long effective time
No shrinking during drying
Contact number - WhatsApp: (At the bottom of the ad)
Mr. Engineer Maddi

Etihad Beach

  • Gold Company
  • Trusted Company
  • Company registration date: 1998-03-21
  • Number of staff: 51-100 Person
  • Company activities: producer, Trading Company, Distributor and Wholesaler
  • Place: Iran, Province West Azarbaijan
  • In the field of: Other
  • Company Type: Private

Production of parts and gallons and plastic barrels - mold making
Production of plastic parts and accessories

Contact Info: Etihad Beach
Companyساحل اتحاد
Tel +98 44-3×××3393, +98 44-3×××3392, +98 44-3×××3391, +98 44-3×××339 callMake Call
Mobile +98 937×××1339 callMake Call
Whatsapp Whatsapp link
Website https://semcoplast.com
ProvinceWest Azarbaijan
Addressآذربایجان غربی-شهرک صنعتی فازیک-خیابان کارگران-تولیدی ساحل اتحاد
Postal code5736177758
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