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The production of 220-liter Ellering barrel is done in Sahel Ittihad company. These barrels are perfect for storing and storing a large amount of materials, as well as transporting water, industrial materials, chemicals, industrial oils, etc. The advantages of Elring plastic barrels include the following:
Company | ساحل اتحاد |
Tel | +98 44-3×××3393, +98 44-3×××3392, +98 44-3×××3391, +98 44-3×××339 |
Mobile | +98 937×××1339 |
Whatsapp link | |
Website | |
Country | Iran |
Province | West Azarbaijan |
Address | آذربایجان غربی-شهرک صنعتی فازیک-خیابان کارگران-تولیدی ساحل اتحاد |
Postal code | 5736177758 |