Features:\r\nUnlimited grouping and categorization of goods\r\nRegistration of invoice types\r\nRecording expenses and income\r\nReceive and pay\r\nAccount transfers\r\nSettlement of cash account, card reader, check and credit\r\nReporting of all registered operations\r\nAutomatic document registration\r\ninventory\r\nCheck maturity alert\r\nAccount balance alert\r\nStock alert\r\nA discount on every product and every side of the account\r\nTotal and specific balance report\r\nOverall profit and loss for each product\r\nRegistration of collection or check return\r\nConnecting to touch systems\r\nUser access level settings\r\nDetermining the price group for the account party\r\nMultiple price levels for each item\r\nReport stagnant goods\r\nReport based on bestsellers\r\nThe exclusive possibility of multiple barcodes for each product\r\nConnection to the weighing machine\r\nConnecting to the pose device\r\nQuick search for products by name or barcode\r\nAbility to control inventory\r\nSpecial reports of goods and warehouse inventory\r\nRegistration of deferred accounts and related reports\r\n Price: 3,690,000 Tomans