Royal jelly

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Royal jelly

Royal jelly in 10 gram packages
Some properties of Royal Narina gel
What is royal jelly?

Royal jelly or royal jelly is a bright yellow and very nutritious substance produced by the mammary glands of honey bees, and usually all larvae (bee babies) feed on it on the first day of life, royal jelly changes from the fourth day onwards and It is taken by a mixture of honey and pollen, and only the queen bee feeds on royal jelly for the rest of her life, and it seems that this type of food causes fundamental differences between the worker and queen bees, so that the life span of the queen bee is more than Fifty-two times the lifespan of worker bees, and in terms of body size, the queen is almost twice as big as the worker bees.

Royal jelly is also called Shah Engbin in Farsi. Ever since the properties of royal jelly were known to humans, humans have also used this valuable substance for various purposes and benefited from the properties of royal jelly.

Royal jelly

Properties of royal jelly for women
Research on mice shows that King Angbin can increase estrogen hormone in menopausal mice. In general, Shah Angbin prevents the negative effects of menopause, it may also control the negative effects of excess estrogen at a young age.
Shah Angbin can regulate ovulation in women and increase egg size. Many doctors recommend the consumption of Shah Engbin one month before IVF and use the properties of royal jelly for infertility.

Royal jelly properties for men
Among the properties of royal gel for men, it can be mentioned that it strengthens the body and also increases the natural secretion of testosterone in the body. Increasing the natural secretion of testosterone plays an important role in heavy sports such as bodybuilding and increases physical strength and power.
Another property of royal jelly for men is increasing the number of sperm and also increasing sperm motility in men, which is one of the properties of royal jelly for men who have reproductive problems.

The benefits of royal jelly in a nutshell
The properties of royal jelly are so many that the description of each of them is beyond the scope of this article, we will describe the properties of royal jelly for you here:

Body and face skin rejuvenation

Adjunctive treatment of fatty liver and prevention of liver cirrhosis

Improving ovulation and egg size in women

Prevent premature aging in women and men

Adjuvant treatment of some types of cancer

Increasing the body and physical strength in chemotherapy

General strengthening of the body

Useful for patients with diabetes and blood sugar disease

Strengthening memory and improving concentration and preventing Alzheimer's disease in old age

A powerful antioxidant for everyone

Strengthening the immune system and raising the level of white blood cells in the blood

Reduces the complications of menopause in women

Healing stomach ulcers and controlling stomach acid

Prevention of osteoporosis in old age

What is royal jelly?

How to use royal jelly?
The minimum dosage for satisfactory results and taking advantage of the properties of royal jelly is half a gram to 3 grams daily

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