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Device اکسپندر, vertical اکسپندر, vertical, etc. based on customer request and type of coil ( the dimensions of the coils, number of rows, and pipes and diameter of pipes ) designed and can be built .The diameter of the pipes based on customer's demand, usually, sizes, etc. of 3/8 in. 5/16 in. 1/2and 5/8. اکثر manufacturing units, production line, coil fin, polity, etc. to increase the rate of the production line, coil building, etc. need to اکسپندر, vertical ( Vertical Expander ) in order to speed spam to مونتاژخط coil storage to find . Products and services in the design of this device, durability, and stability of the device and ease of repairs, it's about attention placed . سایر line equipment, coil storage includes هرپین Bender ( manual type, automatic ), etc. straightening and cutting the tube ( manual ) and automatic and اکسپندر پرتایل binary according to the customer request design, manufacture, and delivery.