Selling all kinds of gas and water pipes and \r\nAtshanshani pipes\r\nManisman pipe \r\nTypes of seamed pipes \r\nSelling Sepenta and Saveh pipes\r\nChinese Manisman pipe \r\nAeronautics\r\nDaqiq Kaveh \r\nSelling all kinds of seamless fireproof pipes for boiler and heating industries, firetube boilers and water tubes \r\nSelling all kinds of pipes in 6 and 12 meter branches in different diameters\r\nAPI pipe\r\nGalvanized pipe\r\ A galvanized pipe is a steel pipe (seamed and seamless steel pipe) that is coated and galvanized with a layer. By creating a barrier on the surface of the pipe, zinc prevents the corrosion of the pipe when it is placed in the open space of the environment. This protective layer also protects the galvanized pipe from damage caused by moisture and acidity in the indoor environment. Galvanizing the pipe makes it resistant to corrosion and rust, however, galvanized pipes cannot They are constantly exposed to corrosive fluids such as acid, and the salt in the fluids can accelerate their corrosion process.