12 step RTR regulator

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12 step RTR regulator

The 12 step regulator RTR:

The regulator is a device that, by measuring the load power factor, introduces the required amount of capacitor into the circuit. In fact, this device detects how much capacitor should be connected to the circuit to increase the desired power is obtained.

Principles of the regulator work:
Step 1) Measurement of active and reactive power

Step 2) Calculation of the power factor using the COSQ=P relationship /PS

Step 3) calculating the reactive power required to reach the desired power factor

Step 4) injecting reactive Q kilovar into the circuit

capacitor regulators in two The smart and simple category are divided. The number of steps in the regulator structure indicates the number of capacitors needed to correct the power factor, which is available in the market from 4 to 12 steps.

\r\ n
Important points in setting the capacitor bank network regulator

1: The voltage intended for the regulator by the manufacturer should be the same as the network voltage.

2: Current transformer for feeding The regulator must be placed in the main power input to measure both the capacitor current and the load current. 3: C/K value more than It should not be more than the set value, otherwise the error rate will increase. ) there is a step.

Q: capacity of the smallest step of the capacitor bank in terms of reactive volt-amperes VARA

V: grid voltage

K1: current transformer conversion ratio\ r\n
K2: Transformer voltage conversion ratio

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  • Gold Company
  • Company registration date: -
  • Number of staff: 1-10 Person
  • Company activities: Agents, Distributor and Wholesaler, Shop
  • Place: Iran, Province Qom
  • In the field of: Industrial electricity
  • Company Type: Private

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