Automatic colony counting machine

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  • Gold
  • 3 Year

Automatic colony counting machine

It has a built-in computer and a touch screen and does not require a computer or laptop
Fully automatic counting of colonies in a fraction of a second
Ability to save the counting result on the device's internal memory or flash drive
The possibility of adjusting the lighting from above or below and adjusting the intensity of the light
The possibility of counting colonies in pre-prepared images
Has HDMI image output and two USB3 ports
Possibility of on-site testing before purchase in Isfahan province
It has a one-year warranty and five years of after-sales service
Certified by Isfahan University of Technology\r[http://n](http://n

Adak Electronics Partak

  • Gold Company
  • Trusted Company
  • Company registration date: -
  • Number of staff: 1-10 Person
  • Company activities: producer
  • Place: Iran, Province Esfahan
  • In the field of: laboratory equipment
  • Company Type: Private

Adak Electronics Partak Company started its activity in 2015 by designing and producing all kinds of educational boards (FPGA, AVR, etc. educational board) and supplying them to prestigious universities of the country, including Isfahan University of Technology and Isfahan University. This company has started its official activity since 2019 in the field of designing and producing all kinds of electronic boards, industrial equipment and laboratory and medical engineering devices.

Contact Info: Adak Electronics Partak
Companyآداک الکترونیک پارتاک
Tel +98 31-3×××1346 callMake Call
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Addressاصفهان، خیابان شریف واقفی ، کوچه داور [22] ، کوچه شهید محمود لوح موسوی[20] ، پلاک -43 ، ساختمان ماه ، طبقه چهارم
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