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Sale of industrial salt and edible salt and all kinds of salt products without intermediaries Central Salt Factory Group products Selling all kinds of industrial salt products and edible salts Mesh salt (sugar salt), 120 and 130 mesh salt, seashell salt (seashell salt), powdered salt (soft industrial salt), mixed salt (from 0 mm to 8 mm) Payandeh Salt Factory Group, as the first and largest central holding of salt in Iran, which has the quality standard certificate and the selected customer satisfaction certificate for mineral products in the country, with access to the largest salt mine of Khamene and 2 salt mines and the ability to produce 6 salt factories and the consensus of the largest holding of producers Salt and with the highest purity, quality and variety of salt products, it is possible to order salt in any size for all its applications in the shortest time and with the best cooperation for transportation and clearance. Cooperation with many guilds, including: fisheries, refineries, tanneries, textiles, drilling, road and transportation, municipalities, serum factories, acid factories, detergent factories, cosmetics factories , food production and packaging factories, canneries Call for more information 02334208302 and 02334208303 and 02334208304 and 02334208363 and 02334208364 02334243715 and 02334243716 financial unit 02334233077 and 02334233088 quality control unit 02334223099 after sales service 02334234719 inspection 09124312773 and 09109022773 and 09109332773 with managers Head Office: Branch 1, Sales Center: Garmsar, El-Eghlab Square, Petrol Pump Square, in front of the gas station, Pasargad Building, 5th floor
Company | شرکت نمک پاینده |
Tel | +98 23-3×××3715, +98 23-3×××8302, +98 23-3×××8303, +98 23-3×××830 |
Mobile | +98 912×××1778 |
Whatsapp link | |
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Country | Iran |
Province | Semnan |
Address | دفتر مرکزی : گرمسار میدان پمپ بنزین ساختمان پاسارگاد طبقه 4 واحد 16 |