Mellat insurance agency code 3291

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  • 3 Year

Mellat insurance agency code 3291

Consulting and issuance of all kinds of car insurance policies (third party, body and comprehensive) Life deposit insurance, life insurance and redemption of annuities, etc.

Implementation of the installment sales plan (specially for respected national retirees and respected retirees of the Social Security Insurance Organization)

Metal insurance, with family

Mellat insurance agency code 3291 Jahrom

  • Company registration date: 2020-03-20
  • Number of staff: 1-10 Person
  • Company activities: Agents
  • Place: Iran, Province Fars
  • In the field of: Insurance
  • Company Type: Private

Providing all types of insurance services for property and persons and liability in cash and installments
Car insurance policies (third party, body and comprehensive), life insurance policy, accident insurance policy, liability insurance policy, fire insurance policy, etc.

Contact Info: Mellat insurance agency code 3291 Jahrom
Companyنمایندگی بیمه ملت کد ۳۲۹۱ جهرم
Tel +98 71-5×××5726 callMake Call
Mobile +98 938×××0728 callMake Call
Whatsapp Whatsapp link
Instagram Instagram page
Addressاستان فارس، شهر جهرم ، بلوار استاد مطهری، قبل از دانشگاه علوم پزشکی، نمایندگی بیمه ملت کد ۳۲۹۱
Postal code7414837518
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