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Chemical fertilizer - Ammonium sulfate

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  • updated: 12 May 2021
  • Expire: Friday 11 Jun 2021 (Expired)
  • Last Login : 30 May 2021
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Chemical fertilizer - Ammonium sulfate

Specifications of ammonium sulfate fertilizer: Graining: crystalline Main function: adjusting soil pH and supply of sulfur Advantages of using certain ammonium sulfate in birch deposits: High purity Without any additives in the production process High solubility in water without turbidity Acidity modifier and substrate soil modifier Easy to use due to sugar-crystalline granulation form Nutrition of soil with pure ammonia nitrogen Ammonium sulfate fertilizer can be used in all arable lands, orchards, vegetables. It is a summer vegetable and citrus. Zarrin Kood Company is ready to send this product to all of Iran at a reasonable price by guaranteeing the quality of ammonium sulfate fertilizer. Potassium fertilizers Potassium deficiency is mostly seen in acidic soils and sandy soils, but lack of It is also observed in other soils under irrigation and harvesting conditions (especially alfalfa). Most potassium fertilizers are water soluble and how they are added to the soil does not play a significant role in fertilizer effectiveness. Potassium chloride is the most abundant potassium compound in nature. Potassium chloride is high in amounts (60 to 62%). However, potassium chloride is not recommended in cases where large amounts of potassium are needed, as chlorine poisoning is likely to occur despite small amounts of chlorine for products such as tobacco and cotton. It is necessary, but too much chlorine in the soil causes the potato tubers to become hydrated and the quality of the tobacco to deteriorate. Potassium nitrate contains 44% potassium oxide, but it is an expensive fertilizer. Potassium sulfate is the most common potassium fertilizer used in agriculture. Potassium is also added to the soil from the initial decomposition of plant debris, but soil humus is not considered a significant source of potassium because potassium is not stabilized by organic matter. Soils with large amounts of vermiculite and illite clay stabilize potassium. Potassium in the soil solution is in equilibrium and is considered as soil potassium storage. If the stabilization intensity is high, potassium should be placed in the soil in a strip before planting. #baking_soda #ammonium_sulfate #definite_chemicals_of_transplant #chemical_fertilizer #modern_agriculture #definite_of_tusan_crystals #define_chemical_fertilizer #Mashhad #Mashhad #Tehran #Shiraz #Isfahan #Isfahan #Kerman #Kermanshah #Tabriz #Khuzestan (At the bottom of the ad) (At the bottom of the ad)Brave Engineer

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