The book "Let's take a souvenir photo" written by Mohammad Reza Yousefi was awarded at the 38th Book ...

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The book "Let's take a souvenir photo" written by Mohammad Reza Yousefi was awarded at the 38th Book ...

Mohammad Reza Yousefi believes that the type of narrative and structural coherence that the author applies in the story makes it believable. Mohammad Reza Yousefi's narration "Let's take a souvenir photo" | A new novel based on dialogue is being published

Online Art Culture and Literature Service: The book "Let's take a souvenir photo" written by Mohammad Reza Yousefi was awarded at the 38th Book of the Year Award.

Yousefi The novel, which was written for teenagers, told HonarOnline: "It has a police story and it is about the children of the correctional center and the adventures and problems that occur to them." Part of the story is real. A woman who is a member of this people is suspiciously killed in her house because the children of the center came to her house. The police suspect them, but eventually they find the killer. The story takes place from the perspective of a teenage journalist who has been in the center before.

Explaining that "Let's take a souvenir photo" has a new and modern narrative, he added: "The victim himself surrealistically with the characters of the story with We are together. As a result, the real and broken bed of life is narrated with the romantic imagination that after death, the woman still closes her heart to these children and does not leave them.

It is very difficult to write a modern story, he continued: in the field of adults, you have practically no limits, but in the field of children and adolescents, the writer must have the necessary ability to present a different narrative of realist stories and on the other hand to attract the audience dramatic structure of the story Also maintain. I believe that the secret of the work and its complexity is that because the audience is not all literary scholars and do not know different types of literature, the writer must advance the story with such subtlety that he can imagine the unreal world as real. This goes back a bit to the writing skills, otherwise it has happened in other storytelling and is nothing new. The type of narrative and the structural coherence that the author applies to the story make it entirely believable. Believable from a realistic point of view, not believable from an imaginary point of view. In my opinion, when we read "One Hundred Years of Solitude" or "Prince of Ehtejab", we believe in and enjoy these different, strange, strange and imaginary worlds with a symbolic mind, magical realism and a formalistic view. Although none of the novels are real, and our mental structure as human beings is entirely based on experience and the real world.

He also stated about the books he is publishing: "Your Excellency Bo" Published by Mehrab Ghalam Publications. The book is the story of a teenage boy who sits in front of a public toilet and takes money from people. The story takes place in a real context, but a surreal world is created from this smell and pollutes the whole life of this boy. Yousefi stated that the book is based on dialogue, that is, it does not have the traditional explanation and interpretation of novel writing, and specified: The novel is episodic and is an interconnected story of a teenage character.

He who submitted the novel "Grandmother Like This" to Hopa Publications for publication, added: "Grandmother is a different novel and the book has a deconstructive texture in such a way that the classic grandmother is not a very positive narrator of folk tales and ancient texts." And even somehow negative. This deconstruction is also a feature of this story and its humor.

Yusefi, who also delivered the novel to Qadyani Publications, is currently writing the Shahnameh collection.

Contact Info: Books and Works of Mohammad Reza Yousefi
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