It is a nitrogenous organic fertilizer with dual benefits. Due to its unique composition, NOVANAT NKS has a release time of several weeks and has a variety of elements, nitrogen, potassium and sulfur, which are released slowly or quickly. Almost 50% of nitrogen is released in the first 14 days. It is 50 The remaining percentage is released slowly and is available to plants for several weeks.\r\n \r\n Country of manufacture: Germany????????\r\n \r\n Ingredients: ammonium sulfate, potassium sulfate, copper sulfate, zinc sulfate, iron sulfate, manganese sulfate, boric acid, sodium molybdate\r\n \r\nUses: pre-cultivation, chalkood, suitable for greenhouses and gardens\r\n \r\n Amount of consumption:\r\n Fruit tree seedlings: 300-500 grams per Chalkood tree\r\n Young fruit trees: 500-1000 grams per Chalkood tree\r\n _ Crops, vegetables and summer crops, cereals: 150-300 kilograms per hectare\r\n \r\n ????Packaging: 25 kg bag