Iodized and non-iodized oyster salt

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Iodized and non-iodized oyster salt

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Oyster salt Salt 130 One is the 26 types of salt products of the central group of Payandeh salt factories Oyster salt Salt 120 salt Fine granulated salt fine mesh salt table salt Iodized salt coarse salt fine salt 130 mesh salt 120 mesh salt These are all the market and traditional names that have been placed on this salt grading group, which unfortunately sometimes not only do not resemble this size, but are completely different and inverted, for example mesh 130 or 120, which are mostly known by this name in the science of mesh grading 120 or 130 is very, very soft and spreads close to micronized or even looks like flour, while this type of size is 40 mesh in the smallest size, and it is not known how similar they are to 120 mesh or 130 mesh. Namak Payandeh Company has divided N-SA products into the following groups N-SADd N-SADr N-SADm N-SADg N-SA12 In practice, this product range is the third output range of Kobi salt factories, or the top range of the soft class, which, of course, is a little different in Payandeh salt collection due to the separation of more granulations, but in the whole collection of N-SA salt group, Payandeh salt or the same traditional salts Shellfish, 130 mesh, 120 mesh, and..... from the graining group, they start between 18 mesh and continue to 45 mesh. which is usually 18 mesh to 25 mesh in one group 25 mesh to 30 mesh in one group 30 mesh to 45 mesh in one group 18 mesh to 45 mesh in one group 18 mesh to 60 mesh in one group are This salt size, especially the size between 25 mesh and 35 or 45 mesh, because it looks like recrystallized table salt (the standard food produced in the health food industry) and it is not possible for the common people to recognize it, therefore, unfortunately, it is in the market in an unauthorized and counterfeit form as salt. Food is sold and most of it is sold to the violators of the underground producers, and they, by abusing the brands of others, package these salts and distribute them in the market. Apart from the salt itself, no separation and purification operations have been done on it, and its purity, instead of being at least 99.2, sometimes reaches between 97 and 98.5, and this is against the law, but this issue can still be ignored, but unfortunately, people Because the salt contains iodine and the iodine test gives an answer, they spray iodine on these salts, which is very dangerous and inhumane and unethical, sometimes like spraying iodine without a special device and laboratory control, etc.

Contact Info: Payinde salt company
Companyشرکت نمک پاینده
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Addressدفتر مرکزی : گرمسار میدان پمپ بنزین ساختمان پاسارگاد طبقه 4 واحد 16
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