Hydrophobic coating با this cover quality shots (ranging from granite, marble, brick, etc., Roman, etc. travertine; the facades are wooden and ....) To obtain and maintain. Prior to the implementation of facades of brick or سنداستون be sure our advice below: مزایا: جلوگیری from the absorption slurry on the facades, etc. waterproof of (hydrophobic), anti-dandruff, anti-stains and attract dust. Anti-corrosion, anti-fungus and mildew for بندکشی location, catchment area (bathrooms)
با coating, Nano, etc. view you sooner gets dirty and later to be cleaned can only with low pressure water, your storefront clean. پوشش self-cleaning (فتوکاتالیست) This cover, performance ضدلکه and dust, as well as the ability to clean شوندگی for facades, glass, stone, and brick and cement. This coating, due to the properties of the فتوکالیستی, etc. dirty. They will not allow particles of such as soot or spots of carbon on the surface appear in the external surfaces of the building particles dirty through reaction with sunlight and thanks to the particles, Nano-compounds to harmless co2 and water are converted. مزایا: بی need of a wash period, lack, level, maintenance, beauty, posing,
با products نانونیــــــــــــــــــــــــــا, I تکـــنولـــوژی نانــــــو the تـــــجربه کنــــــید مشــــــــاوره, etc. اجـــــــــــــــــرا, etc. فــــــــــروش (At the bottom of the ad)with the : office in Tehran : 22465988-021 http://www.nanonia.ir mailto:nanoniacoating@gmail.com
Company | شرکت نانونیا |
Tel | +98 21-2×××6991 |
Mobile | +98 913×××2022 |
Website | http://www.nanonia.ir |
Country | Iran |
Province | Tehran |
Address | اقدسیه اتوبان ارتش لاین کندرو نبش کوچه بهاران |