Acupuncture Dr. Mehrdad Kazemzadeh in Kermanshah Treatment of lumbar spine disc pain and pressure on the sciatic nerve with acupuncture in Kermanshah Dr. Mehrdad Kazemzadeh is a doctor of general medicine and a graduate of advanced acupuncture course from China. Member of the Iranian Acupuncture Scientific Association. The only accredited acupuncture doctor approved by the Iranian Medical System Organization in Kermanshah. Lumbar disc pain treatment, which causes tightness and pain in the pelvis, back of the leg, numbness of the soles and toes due to pressure on the spinal canal, with acupuncture and electrical stimulation of the needles along with magnetic heat radiation. A treatment course consisted of 10 sessions every other day. Consultation, visit and file filing are free. There is no need to make an appointment for a free consultation and visit, and with radiographs, tests and MRA in hand, visit the office in person on Saturdays to Thursdays from 15:30 to 18:30. After the visit, the diagnosis of your disease and the decision for the method and type of acupuncture treatments will be coordinated with you. Office hours: Daily from Saturday to Thursday from 3.30pm to 6.30pm. The office is closed on Fridays and official holidays.
Company | کلینیک طب سوزنی دکتر مهرداد کاظم زاده کرمانشاه |
Tel | +98 83-3×××7900 |
Website | |
Country | Iran |
Province | Kermanshah |
Address | پارکینگ شهرداری پشت هتل راه کربلا .بن بست ارفع کلینیک طب سوزنی دکتر مهرداد کاظم زاده |
Postal code | 6713744918 |