Dr. Mehrdad Kazemzadeh, a doctor (doctorate in general medicine in 1371) and a graduate Advanced acupuncture course from China at the International University (CBIATC) affiliated to the World Health Organization (acupuncture doctor in 2017). Member of Iranian Acupuncture Scientific Association. Our services in this center include: Performing all acupuncture services approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) Beauty and removal of facial wrinkles. Weight loss and removal of local obesity with acupuncture. Depression. Migraine. Back pain and sciatica pain. Back and knee pain and arthritis. Bell\\\'s facial nerve palsy. Treatment Limb paralysis after a stroke. Embedding or implanting sutures with the ability to absorb (catcot) to reduce weight, size and fitness. Office hours: Saturday to Thursday from 15:30 to 18:30 in the afternoon The office is closed on Fridays and official holidays.
Company | کلینیک طب سوزنی دکتر مهرداد کاظم زاده کرمانشاه |
Tel | +98 83-3×××7900 |
Website | https://drmkazemzadeh.blogsky.com/ |
Country | Iran |
Province | Kermanshah |
Address | پارکینگ شهرداری پشت هتل راه کربلا .بن بست ارفع کلینیک طب سوزنی دکتر مهرداد کاظم زاده |
Postal code | 6713744918 |