Papacala Company
- Trusted Company
Company registration date:
Number of staff:
1-10 Person
Company activities:
Distributor and Wholesaler
Province Tehran
In the field of: Printing and Packaging
Company Type:
This company started its activity in 2001 in the field of design, printing and advertising, sales of office, digital and computer equipment, and in 2011 it entered the field of sales and distribution of various goods. \ R \ n \ r \ n Wholesale and retail \ r \ n \ r \ n- Central electrical protection of the building (contactor) behind the meter \ r \ n- Printing and selling items related to personal chest etiquette and badge \ r \ n (Full printed magnetic label - Green Triple magnet - Double magnet - Single circle magnet - Cut aluminum and round lips for sublimation printing and bad felt) \ r \ n \ r \ nAudio and video door openers, parking control jack, lighting sensors and electric locks and up to Today, it has expanded its activities to be able to provide quality parts, supplies and products at the most reasonable prices to you, dear producer and consumer. \ r \ n \ r \ nPolicy: \ r \ n \ r \ n - Supply and sale of parts and supplies for production, consumption, office \ r \ n- Distribution of your products \ r \ n \ r \ n- Ready to cooperate with Companies, factories, manufacturers, offices and importers \ r \ n \ r \ nOn this site, you can choose your order from the goods available on the site, or in the case of goods not available on the site, in the section of the offer to buy goods, request a supply request. Register your goods so that you can follow up and submit a pre-invoice in the shortest time. \ R \ n \ r \ nDear factories, manufacturers and importers, if you want your goods to reach the applicants without intermediaries, in the sales offer section. Enter your product so that you can be contacted in the shortest time and your product will be registered and marketed properly and your product will be distributed by our company. \ R \ n \ r \ nFor more information, call \ r \ n09122472087 \ r \ n 02155141405 \ r \ nContact or email
Central building protector - contactor \ r \ nPersonal chest etiquette \ r \ nGreen magnet three Single - Double - Single Circle \ r \ nA Aluminum for label printing (sublimation - bad felt)