4-probe resistance probe FPP100

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  • 8 Year

4-probe resistance probe FPP100

Specifications Surface resistance measurement Rs thin films Surface resistance measurement from. 5Ω / □ -5MΩ / □ Usable for soft and vulnerable layers Measuring current from 1 to 200 mA Applying voltages from up to 20V Blue gold-plated copper pins for a minimum Contact resistance Pinn spacing 2. 5 to 5 mm (according to order) The contact radius of each pin is 2 mm Full vertical for precise control of 4-pin movement with an accuracy of 10 microns Uses : Measuring the surface strength Metalline layers, Semiconductor layers Clear electrodes such as ITO and FTO Examine the quality and thickness of the coating layer at different sample locations Obtain Specific resistance ρ (with thickness) Measurement of layer thickness (with specific resistivity) Draw a diagram VI and calculate its slope in the computer using our computer interface joule (optional)

Safir Soraya Sepahan Co.

  • Trusted Company
  • Company registration date: 2015-03-21
  • Number of staff: 1-10 Person
  • Company activities: Other
  • Place: Iran, Province Esfahan
  • In the field of: Electronic equipment
  • Company Type: Private

with Safir Soraya design capability Construction of intelligent and automatic systems, especially in the field of laboratory equipment. Some of the company's products are: high-speed data loggers, ultra-high speed, online, rotary, monitors, vibration gauges, shock meters, dynamic accelerometers, 4-resistance resistors, current-voltage diagrams, IV, simple, accurate syringe pumps , Automatic, dual, dispenser, Deuter, printer and braille engraver for CNC tables with digital ruler soraco.ir Phone 09215818788
Types of syringe pumps and types of data loggers, surface resistance meters, vibration meters

Contact Info: Safir Soraya Sepahan Co.
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Addressاصفهان - خمینی شهر شهرک علمی تحقیقاتی دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان مجتمع آزمایشگاهها شماره6
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