Mining and Metallurgical

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  • Sale of mineral and industrial powders

    The production products of Jahan Tejarat Norm Coban can be classified into items such as (kaolin-barite-bentonite-calcium carbonate-gypsum-mica-mineral and industrial-gilsonite-balkali).\r\nWith more than 4 decades of continuous efforts and with the use of experts in mining and technical engineering knowledge, Jahan Tejarat Nerm Koban Company has been able to achieve remarkable success in the production and supply of mineral products for development and improvement of the country\'s domestic needs.\r\nIt is obvious that for the convenience of the dear miners and employers, Jahan Tejarat Norm Coban also accepts the services of retailing (work rights).

  • Lace, polyurethane

    شرکت باهان تولید کننده انواع توری های پلی یورتان ضد سایش انواع توری های پینی، کشویی، 4 پین، 12 پایه، 4 پین مولتوتک توری های سرند دانه بندی و آبگیری، توری آبگیری و دانه بندی هیدروسیکلون تمام پلی یورتانی، سیکلون پلی یورتانی ، شن گیر، ماسه بادی گیر پمپ وارمن، لاینر پمپ ضدسایش، پروانه پمپ پلی یورتانی نازل شاتکریت، نازل آبپاش، شیت پلی یورتان، ورق پلی یورتان چرخ پلی یورتانی، پکینگ پلی یورتانی لاینینگ لوله و فلنج لوله ضد سایش قطعات صنعتی ضد سایش

  • Geophysical Services

    شرکت دانش‌بنیان زمین معدن طارم(لیتوس) درسال1392، به منظورخدمات‌رسانی به جامعه معدن‌داران در بخش خصوصی و دولتی فعالیت خود را آغاز نموده و به تدریج درسایه ارائه خدمات باکیفیت بالا و کسب نتایج مطلوب بر دامنه فعالیت‌های خود افزوده است. اهم فعالیت‌های این شرکت:  اکتشافات ژئوفیزیکی، مگنتومتری و ژئوالکتریک(IP,RS) درحوزه‌های معدن، آب، پسماند  آب‌یابی و تعیین محل مناسب حفر چاه  -تهیه انواع نقشه‌های زمین‌شناسی و توپوگرافی در مقیاس‌های متنوع  مشاوره اکتشافات معدنی ازصفر تا صدورگواهی کشف  ویدئومتری انواع چاه‌های شرب، صنعتی و کشاورزی  اجرای مطالعات مهندسی gpr ژئورادار  اجرای مطالعات مهندسی لرزه‌نگار انکساری بدلیل دانش بنیانی شرکت درحوزه هالی تخصصی فوق واستقرار درمحل پارک علم وفناوری، ازهرنوع پرداخت بیمه پیمانکاری، مالیات بردرآمد و ارزش افزوده معاف است. ساعت تماس : روزهای کاری و غیرتعطیل از 8 صبح تا 18 عصر

  • Sale of metallurgical coke

    فروش کک متالوژی باکربن مثبت 70 درصد و مثبت 80 درصد دردانه بندی های 0 تا 5 میلیمتر ، 5 تا 15 میلیمتر ، 15 تا 30 میلیمتر ، 30 تا 80 و مثبت 80 تا 140 میلیمتر

  • Thermal coal and coke

    شرکت ارژن گلشن طبس تامین و فروش انواع زغالسنگ حرارتی و کک شو ارسال به تمام نقاط کشور و صادرات به دیگر کشورها کافی است درخواست خود را برای ما ارسال کنید بدون محدودیت در تامین تناژ بالا شرکت ارژن گلشن طبس افتخار ما ، تجارتی سالم و همکاری با تجار محترم و کشورهای هم جوار با رزومه کاری ارسال بار به ترکیه و پاکستان و فروش داخلی در واتسپ منتظر درخواست خود را ارسال کنید 093872828383 مهندس حسینایی 09151600383 مهندس حسینایی 09155215401 مهندس خسروی تلفن دفتر شرکت 05632834339

  • 75% bentonite

    بنتونیت دار 75 درصد یکی از کود های بسیار ضروری برای مزرعه (زراعی و باغی و صیفی جات) قبل از کشت و یا همزمان با کشت ، که هم بعنوان کود عمل میکند و هم بعنوان آفت کش عمل کرده و کارایی مزرعه را بالا می برد. این کود یکی از کودهایی هست که مستقیما از منبع پتروشیمی تهیه و پس از فرآوری و افزودن مکمل های دیگر تولید و به بازار عرضه میگردد. بنتونیت دار 75 درصد برای کشاورزان حرفه ای و کشاورزان موفق و کارشناسان مرتبط با کشاورزی بسار آشنا هست ، لذا حتما از این کود در جهت افزایش باردهی مزرعه و جلوگیری از آفات استفاده کنید.

  • Sale of cinnabar calcium carbonate

    Calcium carbonate is a product produced by Sinapouder company and can be produced and supplied with different meshes. This mineral composition that forms the earth\'s crust has different uses in our lives because it is a viable and harmless combination.\r\n1-Steel production and iron smelting\r\n2-Construction\r\n3-Paper production\r\n4- Animal feed\r\n5- Road construction\r\n6- Drilling oil and gas wells\r\n7- Paint production\r\n8- Pharmacy\r\n9- Gardening and agriculture\r\nTo get more information and free advice about this product and other products of the company, please use the communication methods listed in the ad.\r\n Mobile phone: 09383182442\r\n Email:\r\nAddress: Melair, 25 km from Melair road to Hamedan, Noushijan Industrial Town, Sanat Blvd., 6th St.

  • Selling anthracite sinapodre

    Anthracite mineral semi-active carbon is one of the other products of Sinapowder Company.\r\nThis product is used in all different fields and industries, so that its waste has been used to generate electricity as a method of recycling.\r\nApplications of anthracite:\r\n1-Heating systems\r\n2-Smelting steel\r\n3-Rani locomotive\r\n4- Water purification systems\r\nTo communicate with experts and get more information about this product and other products of Sinapowder Company, please use the following communication methods.\r\n Mobile phone: 09383182442\r\n Email:\r\nAddress: Melair, 25 km from Melair road to Hamedan, Noushijan Industrial Town, Sanat Blvd., 6th St.

  • Selling micronized Silica Cinnapowder

    Dear customers, micronized silica can be supplied and produced with customized mesh. The wide application of micronized silica includes the following:\r\n1-Plastic and rubber industries\r\n2- Paint and resin\r\n3- Food industry\r\n4- Agricultural industry\r\n5-Electronic industries\r\n6-Cosmetics\r\n7-Pharmaceutical industry\r\n8- Paper industry\r\n9-Textile industries\r\n10-glazing industries\r\n11- Production of metal casting molds\r\n12-Production of materials and compounds containing sodium and silica element\r\n13- Sealants and Mel powder\r\n14-Glue\r\n15- Silica industries\r\n16-Preparation of concrete and cement\r\n17- Industrial cleaners\r\n18-Filler (filler) of ceramic products\r\n Mobile phone: 09383182442\r\n Email:\r\nAddress: Melair, 25 km from Melair road to Hamedan, Noushijan Industrial Town, Sanat Blvd., 6th St.

  • Sale of microsilica sinapodre

    Microsilica, also known as silica fume, air silica and microsilica powder, is another product of Sinapouder company. Due to the soft nature of this product, it is easily combined with other materials and increases its durability and strength. Microsilica is a byproduct of electric arc furnaces for the production of silicon and alloys containing silicon.\r\nMicrosilica is widely used in concrete making industries. which can be used in gel, cement and powder forms. This product fills microscopic holes and increases the durability of concrete.\r\nTo get to know more about this product and other functional products of Sinapowder Company, please use the following communication methods.\r\n Mobile phone: 09383182442\r\n Email:\r\nAddress: Melair, 25 km from Melair road to Hamedan, Noushijan Industrial Town, Sanat Blvd., 6th St.

  • Sale of Silica Cinnapowder

    Sinapowder Company produces all kinds of processed silica and other mineral products. As you know, silica is one of the most useful and valuable minerals. The applications and uses of silica include the following: 1-Used in tile, ceramic and brick industry 2- Water purifier and filter sand tank 3- Raw materials for glass making 4-Used in computer chips and solar cells 5-As a semiconductor in the manufacture of transistors 6- An important component of silica and Portland concrete 7-Used in waterproof systems 8- Production of firefighting powders 9-Used in many mold release agents and casting compounds 10-Frosilis component. To learn more about this company and place an order, please use the following communication methods. Mobile phone: 09383182442 Email: Address: Melair, 25 km from Melair road to Hamedan, Noushijan Industrial Town, Sanat Blvd., 6th Street

  • Barite Crystal

    خردایش باریت توسط جت میل و بال میل سپراتور تا سطح یک میکرون ،بنا به درخواست مشتری برای اطلاعات بیشتر تماس بگیرید. در این واحد صنعتی خدمات میکرونیزه مواد از یک کیلوگرم به بالا ارائه می‌گردد . شایان ذکر است در روش میکرونیزه توسط جت میل علاوه بر دستیابی به مش های بالاتر از 2500 محصول بدون هرگونه آلودگی خواهد بود. این واحد صنعتی مجهز به آسیابهای زیر می باشد: جت میل صنعتی تمام استیل جت میل پایلوت و آزمایشگاهی تمام استیل بال میل سپراتور و انواع پیش آسیاب آماده خدمت رسانی به شما خوبان هستیم همچنین خوشحال خواهیم شد مشاور شما در این خصوص باشیم.

  • Attracting investors to mine Afghanistan

    Respected owners of investment companies in the field of mining! Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to inform you that: Barak Caravan Group Limited has license number 0101-20037 and was established in Helmand province in 2012, and most of the activity area of ​​this group is in the south-west area adjacent to the borders of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This complex has a special position that it currently has various types of construction of large and small water dams and mining in the south-west of Afghanistan. In addition to this, 2 large projects are being implemented in the first stage and the design of the water storage in Shinden district and the water storage dam of Aderskan-Herat, as well as the large gas pipeline project from Uzbekistan to Afghanistan and from Afghanistan to Pakistan are being planned. Bena: Extraction of existing mines (iron ore and copper, lead and lead) in the area under the activity of this group has been awarded to Barak Caravan Group as a privilege from the government of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. In addition, as you know: the new facilities provided by the government of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran for foreign investment companies. Including the opening and commencement of operations of the representative office of the Islamic Republic of Iran's mineral engineering in Afghanistan, as well as the changes in the rules of procedure and by-laws, which have been simplified again in relation to mining and attracting domestic and foreign investors, which were already difficult for foreign investor companies. Was. And more benefits that the foreign investor company will get from investing and extracting minerals in Afghanistan (20% of the obtained benefits will be the share of the Afghan government and the remaining 80% will be the investor's company) the good security situation that exists throughout Afghanistan decreed Also, in terms of geographical location and a very short distance from the border of Iran's friendly and neighboring countries, these mines have provided the right time and opportunity for foreign investment companies, especially for respected Iranian investors. 》 Since your esteemed company has potential and actual potential. Therefore, Barak Karvan Group invites you to invest in any of your desired mines (Ghorian (Sangan) iron ore mine, Herat Province, Iran-Afghanistan border areas, Bacha Karkh, Herat , Herat's Red Kotel, Golestan Farah, even the famous Haji Gak Farah-Bamian mine and other metal mines (which are located in the remote and border areas of the two countries), this group takes advantage of this opportunity to provide all kinds of convenient facilities for foreign investors. can do Contact for more communication and coordination Thank you

  • Carbon briquettes, green briquettes, metallurgical briquettes, petroleum coke briquettes

    Sahand Sahand Alloy Company has added a new product called carbon briquette (green carbon) to its production line, which is a suitable alternative to metallurgical coke and granulated petroleum coke, and it is economically more suitable and has a lower price than the replaced items.\r\nThe quality control of the carbon briquette product starts from the preparation of raw materials in order to prevent the delivery of poor quality products to the customer and also the destruction of the environment. Also, the chemical control of the products is done permanently during the production process by expert experts.

  • Sale of mineral bentonite

    Bentonite is a very useful volcanic mineral that consists of at least 85% clay. Bentonite is used in about 2% in the food industry for soft drinks and sugar industry. It is also used in chemical industries, wastewater treatment of paper, tile and ceramic factories, in pharmaceutical industries for the production of powders and creams, as a filler and sealant in insulation, etc. In the past, bentonite has been used instead of soap in our country. This substance, which is called Gol Sershui, is used as a cleanser and softener for skin and hair. Uses and applications of bentonite • Agricultural bentonite • Bentonite pet litter • Animal feed bentonite • Bentonite oil well drilling • Active well bentonite • Granulation • Metal casting bentonite • Refinement and decolorization of oil • Construction bentonite • Cat litter bentonite • Bentonite as a suitable filler and insulation (isogam and...)

  • Sale of mineral zeolite

    Zeolite\r\nHe named the minerals from zeolite, from the Greek words zein and lithos, meaning boiling stones, because the minerals foamed when blown by a blowtorch. Until the discovery of chabazite, zeolites had not been noticed. Zeolites are crystalline and hydrated aluminosilicates of alkaline and alkaline earth metals, especially sodium, calcium, magnesium, strontium and barium. The crystal lattice of zeolites is based on the three-dimensional tetrahedral lattice of SiO4, where all four oxygens are shared by neighboring tetrahedra. Alkaline and alkaline earth cations are weakly held within this structure and can be exchanged with other cations or molecular water. Most zeolites can be hydrated or dehydrated without any change in volume.\r\n\r\nApplications of zeolite\r\n\r\nZeolite in agriculture and horticulture\r\nZeolite in animal feed\r\nZeolite in fish breeding pond\r\nZeolite in oil and petrochemical industry\r\nZeolite is a solution for purifying heavy water\r\nZeolite in medical and health industries\r\nZeolite in the nuclear waste disposal industry\r\nThe use of zeolite in reducing odor in animal excrement and bedding\r\nZeolite in the paper industry\r\nIf needed, call 09306965956 or the company\'s landline number 02187700233.

  • Sale of mineral silica

    silica\r\n\r\nSilica is one of the best and most important components of sand filtration. For this reason, it is sometimes called silica sand filtration. Silica has the chemical formula SIO2, which is extracted from the silica mine, and it is one of the minerals that is widely used in many cases, including the water industry. Including sand filtration system. In order to buy silica, premium silica or to know the price of micronized powder and buy it, you can refer to Hamedan Silica Company.\r\nSilica is a white mineral, common in the earth\'s crust and widely used in industries. This mineral is non-metallic and has high hardness.\r\n\r\n\r\nApplications of silica\r\nThis material is used in various industries such as: ceramic production, tile, lighting, cement production, sodium silicate production, nano silica production, ferro silicon production, tile adhesive production, china making, glass, crystal, artificial grass, casting, water purification, It is used for sandblasting, sand filtration production, water and sewage filtration, casting sand production, aquarium, artificial stone production, glazing, glass wool production, etc.\r\n\r\n \r\nIf you need more information, please call 09306965956 or 021-021-87700233, the internal number of one Mrs. Farsh Chi.

  • Sale of mineral sulfur

    sulfur\r\nThe sulfur element is found in nature in a natural and pure form, or in the form of sulfide and sulfate compounds with other metallic and non-metallic elements. According to the crystallization system, this type of sulfur is in the form of alpha sulfur (rhombic or octahedral), beta sulfur (monoclinic or prismatic), gamma sulfur (plastic) and amorphous sulfur (colloidal).\r\nThe most important minerals containing sulfur are pyrite, marcasite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, chalcocite, cavelite, bornite, sphalerite, anhydrite, gypsum, etc.\r\n\r\nApplications of sulfur\r\n-Production of sulfuric acid\r\n- Direct use of sulfur in agriculture\r\n- Production of carbon disulfide using sulfur\r\n- Production of P2S5\r\n-Sulphur cement production\r\n-Sulphur asphalt production\r\n- Production of urea with sulfur coating\r\n\r\nBenefits of using sulfur in agricultural lands, gardens and greenhouses:\r\n - Increasing the solubility of food elements, especially phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese, and on the other hand, reducing the consumption of phosphate fertilizers and micronutrients.\r\n- Improving the quality of irrigation water (removing bicarbonate from water)\r\n- Reducing nitrate accumulation in agricultural products\r\n- Preventing the spread of soil fungi in terms of fungicidal properties of sulfur\r\n - Gradual disinfection of the soil and helping the health of the environment and reducing the consumption of agricultural pesticides.\r\n- Acidification of agricultural, garden, and agricultural soils for better absorption of nutrients, especially iron, phosphorus, and manganese, and other micronutrients (increasing soil permeability and lightening)\r\n - Reduction in the consumption of phosphate fertilizers and micronutrients\r\n- Correcting the pH of saline, alkaline and calcareous soil\r\n- Solving the lack of sulfur required by the plant and increasing the yield per unit area\r\n- Increasing protein synthesis in the leaves and organs of plants, especially oil seeds\r\n- Increasing fruit quantity and quality, product storage time, plant resistance\r\n\r\n\r\nIf needed, call 09306965956 or the company\'s landline number 02187700233.

Price list and extracted products including special rock salt from Payandeh salt mines, celestine rock and fluorine rock, cheese pea fishery salt, mineral rocks, gilsonite and bitumen