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Sell Offers Food - Page 5

  • Types of essential oils

    Edible essential oils are usually extracted from plant extracts and used to add flavor and aroma to foods and beverages. These essential oils can be extracted from fruits, plants, flowers, cloves, roots and even wood. Some popular types of edible essential oils include vanilla, lemon, orange, mint, almond, and cardamom.

  • Vitan bulk meter bed

    فروش عمده لواشک فله متری ویتان در انواع مختلف طعم های ترش وملس دارای یکسال ماندگاری مجوز بهداشت

  • Vitan bulk meter bed

    فروش عمده لواشک فله متری ویتان در انواع مختلف طعم های ترش وملس دارای یکسال ماندگاری

  • Special sale of Wafer Roish products (Arin Laban)

    Special sale of Arin Laban company (wholesale) Skim milk powder, low-fat milk powder with instant solubility, high-fat milk powder Types of butter (animal, vegetable, mixed) Types of cream (70%, 60%, 50%, 40%, pastry cream, and different types of cream with different flavors) Types of breakfast cheese (creamy, Iranian, diet, enriched, local, lactic, high fat) Types of pizza cheese (mozzarella, Process, Topic pizza cheese and Avila pizza cheese) Milk (types of high-fat, low-fat and semi-fat milk, lactose, organic and enriched with vitamin 3 d) Various and special drinks and juices for the first time in Iran (Kook cherry juice, Kook pomegranate juice, Kook barberry pomegranate juice, Kook blueberry pomegranate juice, Kook aloe vera juice, pineapple, tropical, mango, wine grape, orange, blueberry , green apple, grapefruit, pear, hot chili tomato, vegetables, mixed fruit, seven fruits, peach, mango smoothie before banana, persimmon smoothie, date honey ginseng, date honey mojito vitamin C) Types of oil (cooking sunflower oil, frying sunflower oil, cooking soybean oil and frying soybean oil and mixed sunflower and soybean oil)

  • Sachet almond milk powder

    Salmito almond milk powder is a herbal drink with a combination of Iranian almonds, rose water and sugar, which is formulated completely naturally and without additives. A healthy and tonic drink with the taste of real almonds and a suitable alternative to cow\'s milk with fewer calories but more nutrients such as calcium. Vitamin E˛ vitamins and antioxidants\r\nFor ease of use, this product is prepared in 10 gram (single) sachets, which is dissolved in a cup of water and can be consumed hot or cold.\r\n.\r\nThis product does not contain any additives or preservatives and gives health to your customers.\r\nIt is available in three types of plain almond milk powder, coffee almond milk and date almond milk\r\nIn addition, there is also almond powder in the form of 80 grams of foil for the use of stores related to the food industry\r\n\r\nJust try once.\r\nmake your day\r\n\r\n----------------------------------------\r\nFree shipping nationwide

  • Chikchi online store

    Sale of authentic and organic Iranian rice

  • Malta Ataba

    Manufacturer of barley flour, light malt flour, dark malt flour (Rogen), wheat germ flour, and whole wheat flour, with manufacturing license and green apple label from the Food and Drug Organization.

  • Import and supply of raw materials for food and pharmaceutical industries

    Fakher Tejarat Sama is a leading company in the field of importing and supplying raw materials for the country's food industry. r\nNeotam\r\nNatamycin\r\nAcacia gum\r\nSucralose\r\nPharmaceutical xanthan\r\nVitamin types\r\nPowder and liquid essence types\r\nCarrageenan\r\nOpacifier\r\nButylene glycol\r \nImprover\r\nGelatin \r\nCocoa powder\r\nCMC (various viscosities)\r\nPgpr\r\nTypes of vitamins\r\nMelatonin\r\nL-Cysteine\r\nHeavy magnesium oxide\r\ nLight magnesium oxide\r\nZinc gluconate\r\nPolyglycerol\r\nPlease contact us for a free consultation.

  • Dembaz brand date paste

    Dambaz date paste is a completely natural product that is prepared and produced from the best and highest quality dates from the groves in the south of the country. In addition to its sweet and pleasant taste, date paste has many properties, including improving the health of the body, the health of the digestive system, and the strength of bones. Date paste contains minerals such as: copper, manganese, calcium, magnesium and selenium, which are used to prevent osteoporosis and joint pain. This delicious product can be used together with nuts as a healthy and nutritious snack and in the preparation of cakes and sweets as a substitute for sugar.

  • Dembaz brand date juice

    Dembaz date juice is a completely tonic, healthy, natural product without additives and preservatives. This product is derived from the best dates in the southern regions of the country, which are produced and packed in completely hygienic conditions by mechanized machines. The special properties of date juice include calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. In addition, there are plenty of vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin A and vitamin K. The iron in date juice helps treat anemia and physical weakness and is suitable for consumption by all age groups.

  • Hamadan bulk pickled cucumbers

    8 kilo Hamedan cucumbers

  • skim milk powder

    skimmed milk powder,\r\nThe amount of protein is 32 to 34\r\nIt is available in 10 tons\r\nat a very reasonable price; Completely cash\r\nProduced by Erin Leban company, with an expiration date of 2 months, used in the food industry, prepared from fresh cow\'s milk and produced by the spraying method.\r\nTo know how to send the cargo, please contact the sales expert of Arin Leban production company.\r\nIf you need the ID card of the product, the excel sheet file can also be provided on WhatsApp.

  • Tinned olives net weight of 10 kilos

    Hello. Good time. Selling 10 kilos of pure tin olives. Kamzeit brand. Super special. 1650000. Special. 1420000. Excellent. 1200000. Normal 985000.

  • Manufacturer of dried fruit chips - wholesale, retail

    صنایع غذایی پیلار یکی از بزرگترین صنایع فعال تولید کننده میوه خشک و خشکبار میوه در ایران میباشد. مجموعه صنایع غذایی پیلار از ابتدای سال 1390 فعالیت خود را در استان گلستان، شهرک صنعتی آزادشهر در قطعه زمینی به مساحت 4700 و زیر بنای 1800 متر مربع به منظور استفاده ی حداکثری از ظرفیت محصولات باغی منطقه و استان های مجاور آغاز نمود. محصولات این مجموعه شامل انواع چیپس میوه، دمنوش میوه، برگه میوه، لواشک میوه (لواشک طبیعی و سنتی) و همچنین آرد هسته خرما و قهوه هسته خرما بوده که دارای صادرات به کشورهای مختلف و همچنین شبکه توزیع و پخش در اکثر استان های کشور میباشد. - انواع چیپس میوه خشک: چیپس انبه خشک، چیپس توت فرنگی خشک، چیپس آناناس خشک،چیپس زردآلو خشک، چیپس نارگیل، چیپس گوجه خشک، چیپس موز خشک، چیپس خرمالو خشک، چیپس کیوی خشک، چیپس میوه مخلوط، چیپس پرتقال توسرخ و تامسون، چیپس خربزه، چیپس ملون، چیپس آلو خشک، چیپس سیب خشک، چیپس گلابی خشک، چیپس انجیر خشک، چیپس هلو خشک - انواع برگه میوه: برگه آلو، برگه زردآلو، برگه هلو - انواع لواشک سنتی میوه بدون افزودنی و مواد نگهدارنده: لواشک آلو، لواشک سیب، لواشک انبه - آرد هسته خرما - قهوه هسته خرما - دمنوش میوه پیلار صنایع غذایی پیلار فروش عمده میوه خشک و فروش جزئی میوه خشک را در انواع بسته بندی ها برای مشتریان عزیز در دستور کار خود دارد. لذا تمام مشتریان می توانند خرید عمده میوه خشک یا خرید جزئی میوه خشک از صنایع غذایی پیلار داشته باشند.

  • Nowruz chocolate

    Nowruz foreign chocolates\r\nTurkmenistan product, 3 kg package in a carton without fresh\r\nfresh date, delicious and excellent at a reasonable price with unique quality\r\nBuy directly from the importer...

  • 1st grade Hashemi rice from Talash rice fields

    برنج هاشمی عطری مخصوص شالیزار های تالش به شرط پخت وعطر بسته بندی محصول از ۱کیلو تا۲۰کیلو

  • Fajr rice

    فروش انواع برنج پرمحصول اعمم از برنج فجر مخصوص مراسمات ومنزل بسته بندی 10کیلویی

  • Hashemi carcass rice

    برنج لاشه یاسرلاشه اعلاع برنج هاشمی بسته بندی ۱۰کیلویی

  • Shirodi rice

    برنج شیرودی محصول شالیزار های شمال مخصوص برنج هیرکانی

  • Selling 100% organic Iranian rice

    فروش انواع برنج ایرانی به صورت عمده و خرده مستقیم از کشاورز به شما دوستان وهم میهمان ایرانی عزیز فروش برنج هاشمی علی کاظمی فجر شیرودی و... فروش انواع لاشه ونیم دانه فروش به صورت مستقیم ارتباط با کشاورز و بدون واسطه جهت سفارشات فقط و فقط بایک تماس

Price list and manufacturers of foodstuffs including industrial salt, industrial salt, livestock and poultry rock salt, cocoa powder, honey, tomato paste, tuna, perfumes and spices, olive oil