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Rankings ساجات کد economic ثبت the name of the primary the direction of get the pass word ورود information and scan documents in the system of ساجات شرکتهای ranked in all the base and strings 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 راه and transportation ساختمان and buildings آب تاسیسات and equipment نفت and gas نیرو کشاورزی ... مشاور and contractor عمران/mechanical/architectural/Geological/electrical/irrigation/... کاردانی and Master کارت contracting municipality صلاحیت Department of Labor کلیه service rankings دریافت card, municipality of ..obtain the certification, qualification, contracting.. ارتقا Grid دعوت of all engineers, with 3 years and 7 years of experience in order to rank, invite all engineers, with 3 years and 7 years of experience in order to rank شرایط engineers for ranking:1 - having a qualification ( permanent or temporary)2-having completed service card .3-having at least three years or seven years insurance experience social security at the contracting company.4-engineers should not hire a government official ... خرید رتبه5 water -contracting the purchase رتبه5 water -contracting AND company buildings and installations 5, Tehran, company, buildings, utilities, 5,, Tehran the assignment of ratings prepared contracting assignment Rank 5 contracting company, ranked شرکت ranked 5 in Tehran (by the way, water utilities, electricity, Buildings, Construction and . . . رتبه categories specialized contracting companies in ساجات ranking specialized contracting companies in ساجات جذب all the engineers, ranked No Rank absorb all the engineers, ranked No Rank جذب all Engineers Without rating and rating and retired with the terms of payment excellent in the whole country واگذاری rating companies ranked contractor in the base 5, the assignment of rating companies ranked contracting in base 5 رتبه of way and buildings (buildings ) 5 Tehran, rating, water and buildings (buildings ) 5, Tehran, Iran ratings, installations, and buildings (buildings ) 5, Tehran, Iran رتبه of the building (buildings ) ... واگذاری stock companies ranked ساجاتی transfer of shares in companies ranked ساجاتی اخذ rating contracting - prepared rating contracting-ratings ready building, road, water, electricity, oil and gas, utilities, etc.
Company | شرکت ثبت امیری |
Tel | +98 21-0×××3115990 |
Mobile | +98 912×××5990 |
Country | Iran |
Province | Tehran |