Sanat provides the largest collection of design and manufacturing services for industrial parts using CNC milling and turning machining methods.\r\ncnc milling and turning services in our company, with the variety of equipment we have, we will meet all the needs of manufacturing parts of your company.\r\nAn example of our services:\r\nDesign from zero to one hundred\r\nreverse engineering \r\nUsing professional operators in the field of working with CNC machines\r\nQuality assurance\r\nThe possibility of machining on light and heavy parts as well as mass production\r\nProviding cnc milling and turning machining services with modern and advanced methods\r\nProviding all kinds of welding services for manufacturing industrial parts such as argon welding, co2 welding, electric welding.\r\nThe best price for designing and manufacturing industrial parts without quality loss. \r\nReduce your costs by choosing the right set of cnc services.\r\nWe will accompany you in making your dreams come true.\r\nYou can get all the necessary information through Sanat website. Also, to place an order through the site, send us the relevant form.\r\