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Plan to obtain a facility and establishment license, filling out forms, site behin Finder

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Plan to obtain a facility and establishment license, filling out forms, site behin Finder

Company knowledge base, management consulting and engineering industry behin Finder (official member and has a rating of Association of credit counselors and investment banking, a member of the official Association of Companies, Investment Advisor, and monitor projects, and has proposed a technical and engineering of the Ministry of Industry, Mine and trade) in the field of investment advice and Industrial is ready to provide services, including the preparation and formulate a plan, (form completion, website behin finder of the Ministry of Industry, Mine and trade) in order to facilitate the process of working companies and entities of the applicant. تکمیل form, website behin finder of the Ministry of Industry, Mine and trade include : حوزه investment schemes in the industrial and mining • complete the form and issuance of the establishment license (transfer, renewal, etc. revocation, etc. amend the establishment license ) • complete the form of the announcement of the progress of investment projects (design, construction) • complete the form and get banking facilities construction of manufacturing unit • complete the form and issuance of operation license (license modification, etc. replica, etc. revocation, etc. of a change of ownership وتغییر name, transfer, and renew the license interest, the stereo microphone on the top (are setup) • complete the form and get banking facilities for the reconstruction of the • complete the request form facility the mineral (purchase of machinery) بخش financing • complete the form and receive working capital • complete the form and get banking facilities construction of manufacturing unit • complete the form and get banking facilities for the reconstruction of the equipment AND other relevant services include the provision of plan to obtain a bank loan and...

  • a working capital loan
  • loan investment
  • loan, capital انجام projects justification in all fields (technical, ... The financial and economic) in order to provide all banks and ministries, and organizations طرح justification reports, justification reports, financial and کامفار and advice, industrial in various fields and obtaining a decree, projects, early returns, higher-yielding Asian Development Fund and the National guarantee fund صادارات Iran plans Vol, (Bank of industry and mine), projects, jobs, Ministry, design, development, factory location, layout, technical knowledge of specialists from and abroad, design, purchase, replacement, development, machinery design, purchase splits, Facility and equipment design, raw material purchasing, design, working capital, and general, perform all projects justification : (commerce, agriculture, services, industrial, mining, cultural, sports, civil, etc.) in order to obtain a bank loan to all country banks and financial institutions, credit organizations and ministries such as the Ministry of Industry, Mine and trade in order to get a license(جوازتاسیس., the operation license etc. bill loans) and the Ministry of Cooperatives, Ministry of labour and social affairs, organization, technical training and professional The Ministry of Oil, Ministry of health, treatment and Medical Education, Ministry of Housing and Urban Development and ......

کلیه projects under the supervision of experts and consultants qualified and based on the criteria of the Ministry of Industry, Mine and trade, etc. the committee of banks operating according to the criteria and conditions of specific applicants to be dedicated, assessment codification. therefore, all estimates and the possibility of سنجیها quite real, and according to the conditions on domestic and foreign market.

ICON in the field, descirption of duties, our studies, based on the Standard "Industrial Development Organization United Nations " (UNIDO) is produced "presentable to the bank (Bankable)" to obtain a facility that if needed, the results of this analysis, it can be by the software, "کامفار "(COMFAR) is also provided.

شرکت knowledge base, management consulting and engineering ...

Contact Info: Industry behin Finder
Companyبهین صنعت یاب
Tel +98 21-2×××6908 callMake Call
Addressپاسداران، خیابان نیستان چهارم، پلاک 1/3 (ساختمان نیستان)، واحد116، طبقه 5
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