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Traffic Market online store is a distribution and sales center for all kinds of urban traffic equipment, road safety equipment, plastic and metal traffic barriers, traffic convex mirror, traffic separator, traffic speed breaker, traffic cone, traffic barrel, traffic cylinder, metal accordion roadblock, Ceremonial steel barricade, traffic sign, traffic light, safety and warning signs, parking traffic equipment, parking safety equipment, public and multi-storey parking equipment, parking separator, parking speed limiter, convex parking mirror, parking pillar protector, parking lock, barrier Car parking, LED electric and solar traffic lights, traffic signs, personal safety equipment, workshop and construction safety equipment, body inspection racket, helmet, safety shoes, safety boots, safety gloves, work clothes and fire extinguishers with It provides you with the best price and the last price of the market day. Trafic Market website helps you to choose the right product and experience a safe purchase. Our effort is to provide these goods directly and at the right price to you, our esteemed buyers and customers, due to the continuous and active presence of the collection in the safety and traffic equipment exchange, for consultation, order registration and purchase. Also, be in touch with Traffic Market online store at your own time and expense.
Company | ترافیک مارکت |
Tel | +98 21-6×××0485, +98 21-6×××2948 |
Mobile | +98 905×××0788 |
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Country | Iran |
Province | Tehran |
Address | تهران خ فیاض بخش کوچه جهانگردی پاساژ رشید 2 منفی 2 |
Postal code | 6666666666 |