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Criso & Chryso Concrete Admixtures France Concrete Admixtures are materials that are used to adjust and modify the properties of fresh and hardened concrete. Proper use of additives can improve mechanical performance and durability, ease of implementation and ultimately reduce operating costs Cryso CHRYSO lubricant and superplasticizer Cryso CHRYSO microsilica gel Cryso bubble maker CHRYSO Crysoو Concrete Antifreeze CHRYSO ChrysoScrease Concrete Shotcrete CHRYSO Chrizo CREZO OIL CHRYSO CRIZO CREZOURING MORTAR & LANCO LANKO Concrete Repair & Repair Mortar LANKO Two-piece LANK insulation Lanko LANKO concrete and sealant Lanko LANKO instant mortar Lanko LANKO paste tile adhesive Lanko LANKO powder tile adhesive Lanko LANKO Resistant cement flooring Lanko abrasion LANKO