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Sale, production and packaging of almond kernels (incense, bitter almonds, pasurk)

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Sale, production and packaging of almond kernels (incense, bitter almonds, pasurk)

The first producer and packaging and sale of almond kernels (incense, ahuk, pasurk, cam) in a completely natural and organic way in the country, Under the supervision of the Food and Drug Administration

Almonds are called by different names in different regions of Iran, the most common of which are "Aluk" and "Akhork". In the local dialect of the people of Meymand, Fars It is called alok.

Almond kernels, as a popular nut, have a high nutritional value. The most important thing is that this product is natural, which is rich in protein, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron and is very useful for the body. Sweetened almond kernels, in addition to being used in local snacks and nuts, A variety of delicious local and delicious foods are prepared from this organic product.


Sweetened or processed almond kernels containing starch, sugar, Fiber, protein, water, vitamins B1, B2 and B3 and minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc. About half the weight of almond kernels is made from oil and contains fat with unsaturated acids; Therefore, it is not harmful for obese people with cardiovascular diseases.

Benefits of Almond Kernel

Almond Almond Kernel has useful and wonderful properties, one of the best properties of which is in the treatment of Colds and lung infections. Properties: anti-worm-antimicrobial and treatment of colds has a mild nature (slightly prone to cold nature). In the treatment of colds as a laxative and emollient Chest is used. Bried almond kernel is a stomach tonic and astringent for the abdomen. It is a painkiller and a natural remedy for respiratory tract inflammation.

Sweetened (processed) almond kernel

Sweetened almond kernels are a bit mild in traditional and Islamic medicine and are useful for treating intestinal ulcers, bladder and diarrhea; It strengthens sexual power and softens the breasts and is expectorant. Sweetened roasted almond kernel strengthens the stomach and stomach; The brown skin of the almond kernel relieves pain and inflammation of the airways. The presence of calcium and magnesium in almond kernels is very useful to prevent hair loss.

Bitter (unprocessed) almond kernels

Of course, almond kernels are natural and sweet. It does not and has many properties in the same bitter taste. Raw almond kernels are used both in raw and in oil form in traditional medicine

in raw

Bitter almond kernel contains 3 to 4% amygdalin glucoside, which In the body, it is converted to pyruvic acid or hydrogen cyanide. Hydrogen cyanide has an anti-cancer effect that penetrates into cancer cells, causing them to disintegrate; But do not exceed 3 to 5 seeds per day. Simultaneous consumption of bitter almonds with honey cleanses the liver and spleen; And to relieve kidney pain with starch and mint. To treat delayed menstruation, bitter almond suppository is used in the vagina; Also, a mixture of bitter almond and grape juice is effective in eliminating kidney stones.

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